This is a extensive and distinct collection of a choir, piano, tuned percussion, organ, metallic impact percussion & effects and beatbox samples for Native Instruments Kontakt (Full version is required, will not work with the free Kontakt player). Normally the products would costs $674, the bundle is now offered for just $99 (85% off) for less than two weeks from today ( December 28th. 2017) (Affiliate Link).

For many the included Mars choir is the key product to go for in this bundle. Mars covers a wide range of Latin, Russian (Slavonic) and Pure Vowel male singer content.


Box Shot

Part of this Soundiron bundle $99 (85% off) (Affiliate Link):

  • Mars Symphonic Men’s Choir
  • The Struck Grand
  • Montclarion Grand Piano
  • Traveler Organ
  • The Beat Boxer
  • Rust 1

All single products combined have a value of $674 if purchased individually.


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Some additional details about the products directly from Soundiron:

Mars Symphonic Men’s Choir

Mars Marcato Sustains
“Mars features a full 30-voice male chorus as well as 3 soloists singing in both Slavonic (Russian liturgical) and Latin. A wide variety of content is included for both languages, as well as a large collection of choral effects (shouts, sweeps, clusters, etc.). It includes two masterfully mixed composite microphone distance positions (stage and hall), carefully blended from an array of 10 discreet large diaphragm Neumann Microphones, with wide pairs ranging in distance from 1 meter to 25 meters. The two-composite position configuration allows the best balance between placement, flexibility, and performance while providing a truly massive, robust and full-bodied sound.

In addition to the true legato chorus sustains, ALL sustaining articulations in the library include 3-part polyphonic pseudo-legato (all vowel sustains, fast & slow poly-sustains, soloist vowel sustains, soloist slow & melodic poly-sustains) Mars also features a unique bonus collection of Ambiences, Drones, Textures and FX content.”

Full Chorus

  • 2 Languages: Slavonic (Russian liturgical) and Latin
  • Massive New Marcato Builder – Explore our brand new word-building functionality, with your choice of 7 major vowel sustain types, each with multiple variants and a combined total of 42 independently selectable attack syllables and 42 release sounds, each with independent round-robin and automation-ready controls.
  • Combined Marcato/Staccato Phrase Builder with preset saving and the ability to store and cycle or key switch between up to 16 different user created sequences
  • 42 Marcatos w/ round-robin
  • 26 Staccatos w/ round-robin
  • Kontakt 5 Tempo-Synching for poly-sustain presets
  • Kontakt 5 Time-stretching for Choral Effects
  • Kontakt 5 Legato Speed Control (from tight legato to slow portamento)
  • 12 Slavonic 100bmp Slow Polysustains (sustaining w/release)
  • 11 Slavonic 140bpm Fast Polysustains (sustaining w/release)
  • 11 Latin 100bmp Slow Polysustains (sustaining w/release)
  • 14 Melodic “Gregorian” Extended slow Poly-sustains, with Atonal Droning Versions of each: (70 bpm / 3/4 timing)
  • 14 Latin whisper Slow Polysustains (sustaining w/release)
  • 7 Latin 140bpm Fast Polysustains (sustaining w/release)
  • Dozens of unique sustaining vowels w/ round-robin and independent attack & release (PP – FFF)
  • 5 True Legato Vowels: Ah, Oo (p), Oo (f), Oh, Mm
  • A huge collection of choral shouts, effects, drones and war chants/yells.


  • 1 Master Bass Soloist and 2 Exquisite Tenor Soloists, singing in both Slavonic & Latin.
  • Each language includes a full collection of 1 Bass and 1 Tenor articulations, each with:
  • 10 Standard Slow Polysustains
  • A wide variety of Solo Staccatos (23 syllables for the Bass and a total of 24 between the two Tenors)
  • A wide selection of True-melodic Polysustains
  • Kontakt 5 Time-stretching for Choral Effects and Emotional Solo Phrases


The Struck Grand

The Struck Grand

The Struck Grand is all about the fine art of piano mangling and abuse. This 9 GB virtual prepared piano library contains unique piano string articulations, including mallet strikes, finger mutes, plucks, steel slide bends, bass string scrapes, harmonics, metal hammer hits and other fascinating playing methods. It is a sampled 1926 Steinway Model L parlor grand piano.The Struck Grand is a melodic tuned percussion instrument and a massive stringed zither, with a broad pitch range, expressive dynamic responsiveness, and a rich, complex musical character.

Choked Piano, Hammered Piano, Picked Piano, Scraped Piano, Struck Piano, Steel Slide Piano, Steel Harmonic Piano, Master Layer Builder presets

Fingered Glisses, Picked Glisses, Mallet Struck Strings, Scrapes, Steel Harmonics, Steel Slides

Full-range tuned ambiances, Ambient Soundscapes



Montclarion Grand Piano

Montclarion Grand Piano

The Montclarion Hall Grand Piano is a sampled classic Steinway 1926 parlor grand. The piano works  great for soul, jazz, rock and pop. It also includes a wide selection of extended “prepared piano” and very useful creative FX articulations, such as percussive pounds, slams, string scrapes, steel guitar slides, mallet and pick glisses, sweeps, plucks and much more.

  • Classic Steinway 1926 Parlor Grand Piano
  • Three Microphone Positions (close, mid, far)
  • Naturally recorded hall grand piano, with lid open
  • Sustain and release samples
  • Natural pedal sfx recorded at multiple velocities


Traveler Organ

Traveler Organ

Traveler Organ is sampled 20th century Clough & Warren flat-top reed organ. Soundiron captured a variety of stop configurations and articulations including sustains, marcatos, and staccatos, along with bellows creaks, key clicks and plenty of custom sound-designed organs, pads and ambiances.

  • Fully multi-sampled 61-key flat-top pump reed organ, with fully extended playable key range for deep lows and soaring highs.
  • 26 Instrument Presets with dozens of selectable articulations and performance controls.
  • Special Midi-CC and Velocity-crossfaded presets
  • Antique organ bellows, key clicks and other SFX and sound design content.
  • Sustains, staccatos and diminuendos.
  • Different stop settings and reed voicings
  • Round robin for every articulation, including releases.
  • Multi-mode Arpeggiation with step-sequencer.


The Beat Boxer

The Beat Boxer 1

The Beat Boxer is a combination deep, multi-sampled percussion and solo vocal performance library. It captures the raw, urban human drum machine that is a beatboxer through a combination of multi-sampled round robin articulations and a variety of authentic performance loops. From kick drums to snares, robots to turntables and beyond, The Beat Boxer provides a fresh, organic and extremely playable instrument suitable for all composers. This hybrid multisample/groove library transforms the creative vocal art of up-and-coming East Bay beatboxer “JBox” (Jerry Girard) into a flexible and detailed virtual instrument.

The Beat Boxer 2

  • 100+ multi-sampled articulation types across 11 “drum” types
  • Midi Groove playback system featuring quantization, swing and velocity attenuation
  • Midi remapping system with user map saving and loading
  • Uberpeggiator arpeggiation system for quick groove creation.
  • Megamixer 12-slot drumkit creator with user kit saving and loading
  • 100 authentic live performance loops
  • 108 augmented glitch, breakcore and fx loops
  • 104 Midi Grooves by Sashca Knorr, Si Begg, Dirk Ehlert, Brad Jerkins and Sean Gordon.
  • Tons of bonus vocal Ambiences, Atmospheres, Tuned Pads and other custom melodic instruments.
  • Swell, Attack, Release, Offset, Attenuation and Humanization controls allow for real-time dynamic performance shaping.


Rust Vol. 1

Rust Vol. 1

Rust 1 is an eclectic collection of metal impact and tuned percussion recorded in a variety of natural environments. This first volume focuses on classic small objects and found sounds. You’ll find metal racks, paint cans, soda cans, magnetic balls, steel pipes, brass hardware, a musical saw and odd bits of furniture, along with large structures like mine shaft gates, steel tunnels, towering stairways and massive structural I-Beams.

  • Black Diamond Mine Shaft – Bare handed pounding on the sides of a sand mine air shaft, outdoor.
  • Gigantic Bottles and Iron Chairs – metal and glass pounding on tile and glass surfaces in a large hall.
  • Brass Rail – Bare hands playing no a thin 4 foot long brass railing, muted and sustained in a dry room.
  • Saint Louis City Museum Caverns – Bare hands slapping on interior walls of giant steel tunnels
  • Coins – A whole lot of quarters in a small, bright hall.
  • Crowbar Strike – A standard 24” crowbar on concrete, close mic’d in a dry studio room.
  • Dolphin Point Bridge – Bare hands on the railing and support beams of a 100 foot long pedestrian bridge over a bayfront waterway.
  • Dumpster / Junkyard Orchestra – Hands, sticks, mallets and hammers against dumpsters and other junk.
  • Galvanized Nipples – galvanized steel pipes played against each other in a dry studio room.
  • Metal Racks – Large steel mesh equipment racks, played with drum sticks and wire, recorded in a semi-dry studio room.
  • Monkey Balls – Hematite egg thingies, banging together in a small, dry room.
  • Tuned Paint Can – An empty steel paint can, played bare handed in a small, dry studio room.
  • Bowed Saw – A standard saw played with a 4/4 scale violin bow in a small, bright hall.
  • Soda Can Tabs – Soda can tabs being plucked in a large, bright hall.
  • Stairwell Railing – Long steel handrails being struck with hard felt mallets in a dark basement stairwell, close-mic’d.
  • Tower Step Bang – Heavy work boots kicking a steel step in a 5 story glass tower, recorded from 40 feet up.
  • UMSL Observatory kinetic sculpture – Bare hands slapping on the steel sides of a gigantic outdoor wind sculpture
  • Willow Bridge – A long pedestrian bridge over a creak, played with bare hands, drumsticks and mallets.


Pricing and availability:

The bundle is available for a limited time here (Affiliate Link) for just 99 USD.


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