Goliath by Tone Empire Review
Goliath is an effect plugin to shape the tone color through emulated analog saturation. There is also a special compressor effect included a so-called envelope shaper. All finished with an added EQ. As the plugin combines different effects into one plugin, it is similar to a retro channel strip.

Beatskillz has launched a new brand and company. The new company Tone Empire is launching a product line of quality audio processing plug-ins for affordable prices. Tone Empire did send a review copy with no strings attached.
You download the plugin and register the plugin when you launch it in your daw the first time, look for a small registration window. It as hiding behind the main screen when I launched the plugin the first time. Supported formats: OSX 10.6.8 or later – VST/AU/AAX – 64bit /32 Bit and for Windows XP SP2 or later – VST/ AAX – 64 bit / 32 bit
In this channel plugin, you get saturation, envelope shaper, and an EQ. There are three excellent saturation colors included. It comes with the basic controls you need to manage the outcome.
The resulting vibe of the sound can be switched between three different saturation models: Transformer, Multi-Tube, and Tape Machine Saturation. In this part of the channel, we found some excellent saturation that gives a sizeable notable variation in the character.
A unique way to work with the plugin is to start with a fitting preset and dial in the settings with the few knobs until you are happy with the sound.
The included EQ is an excellent help to shape the sound by cutting and boosting low, med or high frequencies.
User interface & Usability
Goliath simplified UI and a pleasing color scheme. You can with very few knows and switches manage the outcoming sound.

Rating: Three out of five stars
Goliath is a coloration tool for your vintage vibe audio signal. It is a tool that combines saturation, tonal shaping, and EQ modulation. It is a good fit for semi-professionals. Overall I did love the tape related saturation settings the most. I will use this plugin happily on lofi tracks.