During the Apollo program in the 1960s and 1970s, NASA sent nine missions to the Moon, six of them landed astronauts safely on the surface. July 20th, 2019, marks the 50th Anniversary of the first humans landing on the Moon in 1969, as part of NASA’s Apollo 11 lunar mission. NASA will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 Moon-landing mission and its impact on the future of space exploration with a live, two-hour broadcast Friday, July 19th (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive).

To celebrate this Historical leap in mankind’s history, 8Dio is holding a special ‘Score This’ contest with a prize of $1000 store credit! 8Dio want to see what the moon looks like where you are. To enter this contest simply take a photo or video of the moon from wherever you are in the world and compose a short 30-second score showcasing what inspires you.

You can check the upcoming phases of the moon at your location here

lunar cycle

Submission Rules

  • Take a picture/video of the moon from where you are in the world. (The image/video needs to be taken or created by the participant). 
  • Create a 30-second score to your picture/video using any 8DIO LIBRARY.
  • You can use as many tracks and 8Dio libraries as you wish. (Only 8Dio libraries may be used in the contest)
  • You can ALSO use real instruments (ex. guitar) on the track, and any additional processing needed (ex. Compression, EQ, Distortion, Reverb).
  • Upload your finished video on YouTube with the title “8Dio Score This: Moon – [Your Name]”
  • List all 8Dio libraries/patches and any real instruments used, as well as the location and date the footage was taken (State or City/Country) in the description. 
  • Send a YouTube link to your uploaded video and the original image/video used to contest@8dio.com with the subject as Score This: Moon [Your Name].
  • Only 1 submission per participant.
  • The Winner will receive a voucher towards any 8Dio/V8P instruments of their choice! (Prophet series not included)
  • Delivery deadline July 20th, the moon landing anniversary.
  • Capture a Picture or Video of the Moon from where you are in the world
  • Create a 30-second score to your picture/video using any 8Dio Library
  • Upload and send to 8Dio for your chance to Win $1,000 8Dio Store Credit! 
  • Make sure to include the location/date the footage was taken in the description 
  • Full details are listed here.
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