This tutorial focuses on how to mix rap vocals with Studio One. This tutorial will give you the mixing rap vocals tips and tricks that you need to make the most out of Presonus Studio One mastering. This tutorial created by Alex from Consordini Musical instruments.

Mixing samples and mixing demos with this mixing technology is a lot easier than you think, once you have made the right adjustments and have some support through this mixing tutorial you will be mixing vocals like a pro and get the professional sound you want. 

One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking that Rap vocals are Rap vocals of 80’s but there is a big difference in today’s vocals compared to the days or original Rap vocals back in the 80’s. 

Modern mixing today is a lot different so the results are a lot different. There is no one size fits all when it comes to how to mix rap vocals in Studio One but once you get the basics down pat you can tweak the mixing to meet your specific sound goals. Becoming a great producer starts with becoming a great listener. Listen to some old tracks before you get started and compare the different styles to get an idea of what your ideal sound means to you.

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