Discovery Pro a Virtual Analog + Wave + PAD Synthesizer
Discovery Pro is a virtual analog synthesizer emulation for Audio Units and VST hosts
featuring multi-layering, parameter morphing, high-quality sound, WAV, and SF2 support,
PAD re-synthesis and straightforward interface.

Discovery Pro 6.9 What is New
- Code signed files ready for macOS Catalina.
- Rewritten multichannel bus configuration.
- Windows and Linux standalone.
- Linux standalone JACK support.
- New 128 presets bank by Thomas Hook.
- Major framework upgrade for enhanced compatibility and stability.
- Compiled with XCode 10.3, VS 2019 and Ubuntu 18.
6.9 is free for 6.5+ customers. Upgrades and cross-grades for previous Discovery Pro and Discovery customers are available at discoDSP Members Area.