Stringache is a modern horror library of mangled string noises. We’ve used close
microphone techniques to record a huge deal of violin stabs and screeches, pizzicatos, cello staccatos, double bass jetè, crescendos, strident string gestures, bowed noises: all of them have been heavily processed and transformed in unsettling, hair-raising cinematic horror effects.

Stringache SKIN
STRINGACHE by Silence+Other Sounds Updated to v1.1 4

Stringache Improvements

  1. Rhythms and Clocks are now TEMPO SYNCHED to the master tempo of your DAW (or to the master tempo in Kontakt if you use the stand-alone application)
  2. You can now adjust sample start for each individual sample in the Kontakt Instruments
  3. We’ve fixed some missing samples issues due to special characters in the original wav file names.
  4. The last sample played is now highlighted in red on the Kontakt virtual keyboard, in order to provide a better visual clue of the used samples


Silence+Other Sounds is the project of sound designer and media composer Giuseppe SMHERTZ Caiazzo. Started as a personal musical outlet of experimental electronic music, S+OS evolved as a boutique sound design company oriented to modern, finely crafted sound assets and tools.


Stringache has been updated to v1.1 and is available now. The previous customer can download the update for FREE.

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