iZotope Releases Tonal Balance Control 2

Tonal Balance Control 2 allows users to finalize and fine-tune masters by using target curves for different genres and can be used in mix sessions and adjust gain and EQ for Nectar, Neutron, other compatible iZotope plug-ins.

Tonal Balance Control 2 by iZotope
iZotope Releases Tonal Balance Control 2 5

If you’re new to Tonal Balance Control 2, head over to the iZotope product page to check out the features. HOWEVER: If you own Ozone 9 Advanced or Neutron 3 Advanced, then you already have this product! Follow the directions below to download the latest version for free, and get improved fluid metering and improved UI scaling for easier EQing!

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iZotope Releases Tonal Balance Control 2 6

Version 2.2 Release

  • Now available for separate purchase!  New users can purchase Tonal Balance Control 2 and later update to Neutron 3 or Ozone 9 Advanced for the difference in cost
  • Implemented fluid metering in main tonal balance metering view (both coarse and fine modes)
  • Options menu has received a visual update for parity with other titles
  • Now compatible with iZotope Product Portal
  • Updated color scheme
  • Fixed a bug where the metering averaging window would be set to “Realtime” upon clicking the “Reset” button in Options rather than the expected default value of 10 seconds
  • Adjusted frequency axis scaling of vertical gridlines shown in connected remote EQs to align with tonal balance region gridlines
  • Adjusted amplitude axis scaling of connected Ozone EQs to be at parity with one another and improve remote control of an Ozone EQ node amplitude over IPC
  • Now also includes updated Relay 1.0.4b, which now installs alongside Tonal Balance Control 2

Overcome your listening environment and make mixes that translate with Tonal Balance Control 2, a plug-in that helps keep your sound on target in any genre.


Tonal Balance Control 2.2 is free for owners of Ozone 9 Advanced or Neutron 3 Advanced—just follow the directions below to get the update. Tonal Balance Control 2 is now available for individual purchase, and along with that comes a new version 2.2 update.

Tonal Balance Control 2 is included in Ozone 9 Advanced and Neutron 3 Advanced, and is now also available for separate purchase. If you have Ozone 9 Advanced or Neutron 3 Advanced, update to the latest version of Tonal Balance Control 2 via iZotope Product Portal or by clicking here.

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