Century Ostinato Brass Trumpets & Horns


The 8Dio Century Series is an excellent series of hyper-realistic orchestral instruments. See also our Century Brass by 8Dio Review & Century Strings Bundle by 8Dio Review. Century continues to represent 8Dio’s most significant leap forward in hall based orchestral sampling to date. With this latest addition, 8Dio produced its Ostinato techniques and workflow to the world of Brass. 

Century Horns Trumpet Poster
8Dio Releases Century Ostinato Brass Trumpets & Horns 5

Ostinato Brass highlights a modular arranged ensemble with a thoroughly auditioned and hand-picked selection of 4 French Horns and 2 Trumpets together creating a comprehensive yet nuanced brass section. Each instrument section was recorded individually, allowing for complete flexibility and customization in the compositional process. 

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8Dio Releases Century Ostinato Brass Trumpets & Horns 6

This series focus was the capturing of the perfect imperfections and true essence of repetitive playing. From varying short notes to an abundance of Agile movements and Flowing patterns, this addition to the Ostinato series is the perfect companion to any orchestral and hybrid score alike. 

The beauty behind the Century Ostinato series is its live recorded dynamic phrases. Each uniquely captured expression and the pattern is available across the range of the instrument at multiple dynamics, all while maintaining the same feel and human-like inaccuracies of a real performance by utilizing the fully host synchronized capabilities. This means you have ultimate flexibility and playability, all while letting the instrument work to fit your production.

Century is and always will be more than a collection of sample libraries to 8Dio. Each one tells the story of their musical journey, emotional, distinct, and without doubt, one of the most realistic series of deeply-sampled instruments ever launched. And with Century Ostinato Brass 8Dio has gone beyond realism, bringing you the best that large scale phrase-based sampling has to offer.

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