Recording the sounds of the eternal flames near Olimpos in Turkey. After a steep 1km hike, Free To Use Sounds arrived at the mountainside and saw already a dozen flames constantly burning out of the vents in the rocks.
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=44547507 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]Luckily no other tourists around and Marcel from Free To Use Sounds was able to record this beautiful soundscape. The location is surrounded by the forest and several birds can be heard in the distance. Marcel tried to record as close as possible without burning the wind protection.
Files: 11 files • Including metadata
Size: 2 GB
Sample Rate: 192-32/96-24 WAV
Duration: Approx. 28 min
Gear: Zoom F6, AT 4025, Sennheiser MKH 8040
Delivery: Instant – blazingly-fast – digital download on Bandcamp
License type: Royalty-free

Pricing and Availability
Fire Sound Effects Eternal Flames Olympus Turkey was released December 23, 2020