Ableton’s Free Webinars
Ableton is hosting two Free Webinars on 27th April and 4th May 2021 at 19:00 GMT (20:00 CET), hosted by Ableton Certified Trainers, Anna Lakatos, and Thomas Glendinning. Ableton, makers of innovative software and hardware for musicians, are delighted to announce another TWO FREE WEBINARS demonstrating how to get more from their powerful Ableton Live software. The sessions will showcase all kinds of sound design and music production tips and tricks in an easy-to-follow, interactive format.

The 90-minute webinars will be hosted by Ableton Certified Trainers, Anna Lakatos, and Thomas Glendinning. The first session on 27th April, 19:00 GMT (20:00 CET) will showcase Ableton Live’s Simpler device. More than just a place to slice and dice samples, Simpler is a transformative tool that can be used to create original sounds and textures. The second session on the 4th of May, 19:00 GMT (20:00 CET) will be dedicated to building a track from the start, from generating ideas to the final arrangement.
By the end of the sessions, participants will have the knowledge and tools to create customised instruments, enabling them to build tracks using their own, newly sculpted sounds. With live on-screen demonstrations and Ableton experts on hand to answer any questions throughout, these webinars are the ideal way to get started in making unique, personal music.
Attendees who would like to familiarise themselves with Ableton Live before the sessions can download a free 90-day trial of the newly released Ableton Live 11.
For a FREE look into the world of sound design and music production with Ableton Live, reserve one of the limited places here:
27th April, 19:00 GMT: Simpler and Sound Design
4th May, 19:00 GMT: Build a track from scratch in Ableton Live