Kush Audio has recently released its newest plugin, Blyss Mastering Channel EQ. This is a mastering-style EQ with a vibe that feels like it was designed for the analog age. The name comes from “Blessing” and “Elysian Fields” which symbolize paradise in Greek mythology. It has an interesting filter section with filters inspired by vintage analog hardware units as well as different modes of operation to suit many mixing styles.
Give More Warmth in Their Music
As anyone who has ever listened to music knows, there is a profound connection between sound and emotion. Certain genres of music have the ability to evoke powerful feelings of happiness, sadness, nostalgia, and more. One quality that all great music shares are warmth.
Warmth can be achieved in many ways, but it usually comes down to creating a sense of emotional closeness between the listener and the musician. This can be done through the use of simple melodies, personal lyrics, or even just a raw and honest delivery. When done well, it creates a bond that can last a lifetime. Great musicians understand this, and they strive to give more warmth to their music. In doing so, they not only create better art, but they also make the world.
Kush Audio’s boutique hardware & plugins are designed to give mix engineers more warmth in their music, vibe of production style. Compressors, EQ’s preamps provide an excellent foundation for all your mastering needs with ease of use at its core!

Mastering & Mixing
Mixing is a fundamental aspect of production and mastering is the final step in that process. The process of mixing is one of the most important steps in production. It is responsible for ensuring that all the ingredients are properly combined and that the final product is of the highest quality. The process of mixing can be either manual or automated, but the goal is always the same: to produce a consistent, homogeneous product.
There are many different types of mixers that can be used, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of mixer that is best for a particular application will depend on a number of factors, including the nature of the ingredients, the desired final consistency, and the production volume. With so many variables to consider, choosing the right mixer can be a complex task. However, with a little knowledge and experience, it is not too difficult to find the right mixer for the job.
In mastering, a song is balanced and optimized to sound great on all playback systems from car stereos to portable players like an iPod or laptop speakers.
The mastering process is the final step in fine-tuning a song before it is released to the public. During mastering, the audio engineer will adjust the levels of the different tracks, ensuring that the song is balanced and sounds its best on all playback devices.
In addition, the engineer will optimize the EQ and compression, making sure that the track hits all the right frequencies and delivers a powerful punch. Finally, they will add any desired effects, such as reverb or tape saturation. By the time mastering is complete, the song should be polished and ready for release.
From drums to vocals – you need the right equipment for every task! We at One-Stop-Shop can provide everything from microphones (cardioids/olives) all way up through amplifiers that will give your sound its best representation possible by ensuring clear separation between instruments during recording sessions or live performances alike!.

EQ & Compressor
EQ, or equalization, is a tool used to adjust the balance of frequencies in an audio signal. For example, if a mix sounds too “muddy” or “boomy,” EQ can be used to boost or cut specific frequency ranges in order to achieve a more desired sound. Compressors are also used to shape the sound of an audio signal by reducing its dynamic range.
This can be helpful for evening out the levels of a track that has drastic volume changes, such as a drum performance with both very quiet and very loud moments. When used tastefully, EQ and compression can make a huge difference in the overall quality of a recording.
The EQ is a multifunctional tool that can be used to alter the tone of any song. The range and creativity offered by this device makes it easy for mix shaping because you are able to find just what your music needs without having too many options open at once or being overwhelmed with choices
The compressor is the perfect tool for giving your sound the extra edge it needs. There are many different types of compression, but none can compare to how musical this one sounds!
6-in-1 Mastering EQ
The Chain 6-in-1 Mastering EQ is a six-stage processor that can be used in mastering to add additional subtlety and polish. It has three-band equalizers with one high pass filter per band, a shelving compressor at the end of each channel for vocals or instruments alike which will give you nice controlled compression without any unwanted edges on your track’s dynamics when they are transparent sounding enough already!
With this one-of-a-kind mastering EQ, you can get six stages of subtle saturation with an easy-to-use ‘finishing compressor’.
Kush Audio’s Blyss EQ is a mastering-style plugin that gives mix engineers more warmth in their music, and vibe of production style. Compressors, and EQ’s preamps give an excellent foundation for all your mixing needs with ease!
The Chain Mastering Equalizer has three-band equalizers with one high pass filter per band and a shelving compressor at the end of each channel which will give you nice controlled compression without any unwanted edges on your track’s dynamics when they are transparent sounding enough already.
With this six-stage processor, subtle saturation can be added to tracks easily while still maintaining some clarity in the high frequencies so it doesn’t get lost when mastered! It has six different stages including three-band equalizers and a shelving compressor.

Blyss Sound Makes My Heart Beating
Central to our existence, the sound is ever-present in our lives. From the moment we are born, we are bombarded with a cacophony of noise – the beating of our mother’s heart, the influx of oxygen into our lungs, and the muffled sounds of the outside world. And as we grow older, sound continues to play an important role in our lives.
Whether it’s the laughter of a loved one, the rumble of thunder, or the strains of our favorite song, sound has the power to stir our emotions and fill us with joy, fear, or sorrow. In moments of silence, it can also be deafening, a reminder of everything that we’re missing out on. So the next time you hear a sounding about sound, it’s hard not to reflect on the role it plays in our lives.
From the moment we’re born, we’re constantly bombarded with noise – the beating of our mother’s heart, the influx of oxygen into our lungs, and all sorts of other sounds from the outside world. And as we grow older, sound continues thinking about sound, it’s hard not to reflect on the role it plays in our lives.
The sound of Blyss is an enchanting, mystical journey through the stars. As I lay my head on its furry red cushion to listen for one more song before sleep claims me forevermore-I can’t help but feel like this may be where it’s all headed in that great beyond up above us waiting with open arms or maybe just pure silence until our last breath has left us, mortal enemies, again then finally free from these burdens known as life and love and the heartache of having both.
Kush Audio’s Blyss EQ is a mastering-style plugin for mixers who want their music to have an analog vibe with warmth throughout, all while still maintaining some clarity in the high frequencies so it doesn’t get lost when mastered! Its processor has six different stages, including three-band equalizers and a shelving compressor.

The Mastering Equalizer
The Mastering Equalizer is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the sound quality of recordings. By adjusting the levels of different frequencies, the Mastering Equalizer can help to balance the sound and make it more clear and consistent.
In addition, the Mastering Equalizer can be used to increase the overall loudness of a recording, making it more impactful and engaging. While the Mastering Equalizer is a complex tool, it is relatively easy to use and can greatly improve the sound quality of your recordings.
The Chain Mastering Equalizer has been designed to give you subtle saturation while still maintaining some clarity in the high frequencies so it doesn’t get lost when mastered! This plugin works well on vocals, and instruments alike with one high pass filter per band plus an easy-to-use ‘finishing compressor’.
The sound of Blyss is an enchanting, mystical journey through the stars that makes this may be where it’s all headed up above us waiting with open arms or maybe just pure silence until our last breath has left us, mortal enemies again then finally free from these burdens known as life and love and heartache having both.
Blyss Mastering Channel is a 3-stage processor designed specifically to make your busses sound “prettier”. Stage one adds some clarity and separation, while stage two widens the spectrum of instruments or vocals for more body in mixdowns without adding any extra noise—and finally, it tightens up all those details on individual drums that tend to get lost when they’re mixed together. The Blyss mastering channel is so good, it can be used on individual tracks too.

Less is more
There’s a reason that many genres have been developed- this theory has been around for decades and will never go out of style! In all things design, less can be better because it forces you to make decisions wisely while still giving your sound everything needed in order not only look good but also perform well at what we do best – create music with depth
Blyss’ Equalizer is a very musical EQ that enhances the overall tone of your sound rather than just adding or taking away frequencies like some others do, with six bands to play around and having shelving filters per band it’s easy to find where we want our sounds both in terms of frequency and dynamics while making sure nothing gets lost during this process (which happens all too often when using other plugins).
Once you’ve got these qualities under control then it becomes easier to make any sort of changes needed for each instrument/vocal within different situations on stage or within studios without worrying about things sounding unnatural from being overcompensated etc.

Improve the Tone with A Simple Set of Controls
Kush Audio Blyss plugin has been created specifically as an add-on used to improve the tone of busses so you should use it on individual tracks as well to enhance their character, this plugin is very easy to use and understand. It won’t take long for anyone who has used EQs before to feel comfortable with what they are doing here even if they have never tried Kush Audio Blyss mastering-style EQ in that case everything becomes much simpler.
Kush Audio Blyss only gives you a simple set of controls which means there are not too many options available within each section but at least having access to three stages makes up for the lack thereof during the mixing process while also allowing us room for experimentation when needed giving us chance to create our own presets or work with those already made by other sound engineers/producers for instance.
Kush Audio Blyss may be a bit less powerful than other mastering-style EQs out there, but the simplicity of this plugin makes it easier to understand how it works and use that knowledge when creating unique presets or tweaking existing ones so we can focus more on the music itself rather than wasting time trying to figure things out as we go along which is what happened with plugins.

Kush Style Analog
There is no digital emulation of analog circuitry here, but Kush Audio Blyss does provide a very nice sounding equalizer – especially it’s low-end (which can be extended to as low as 30 Hz) which feels like it has been created by someone who understands both what we need from an EQ during mastering process and how to make that happen with this plugin in particular
The high end also sounds incredibly smooth without creating too much excess brightness or harshness so I would definitely recommend using Kush Audio Blyss on any type of music you’re working on since there really isn’t anything quite like it anywhere else out there right now making everything sound more “analog” than ever before.
Blyss Presets
Blyss from Kush Audio comes with plenty of presets that will definitely help you get started especially if you’re new to mastering-style EQs or just want some quick options for your music regardless of genre so I would recommend starting off with those before creating something more personalized based on your preferences /needs.

This is a very good plugin that offers an incredible sound, lots of presets, and plenty of options which makes it easy to recommend Kush Audio Blyss even if you’re not interested in adding an analog vibe to your music – this EQ can be used as a regular mixing tool just as well so I would definitely check out the demo version before deciding whether or not buying it from PluginBoutique website where they have both standard and extended licenses available for purchase.
Saturation EQ knob
When first launching Blyss, it’s tempting to grab the big EQ knobs and go for an intense sound design right away. But you want your mixdowns on this new project of yours to sound as good as possible so don’t forget about subtlety in those low-end frequencies!
The Saturation section is often seen as the heart of this machine because it is so versatile. It can be used to add warmth and depth to your sound or to create a completely new sound altogether. The best part about the Saturation section is that it is very easy to use.
Simply turn the knob to the desired setting and you will instantly hear the difference in your sound. Whether you are looking to add a little bit of spice to your music or to completely change the way your music sounds, the Saturation section is the perfect tool for you.
The heart of this machine is really the unassuming Saturation section.
The essence and soul of an instrument can be found in its most basic parts; they’re often overlooked or taken for granted when we think about what makes up something as complicated and multifaceted as a human being, but it’s also true with machines: if you take away all these extra bits that don’t serve any function other than decoration (like string basses), then there will only Remain A Voice Or Two Left Alive To Be Heard By The World At Large!

The Saturator’s three discrete op-amp stages are perfect for adding that extra something. With one knob, you can do a lot to your sound!
Blyss’ Saturation is a luxurious color circuit that will make you feel like royalty. It has an edge, but it’s not too sharp or harsh when driven to extremes
In fact, this saturation seems more nuanced than before with subtlety at its heart rather than brightness coming from strong contrasting elements such as blue note sounds which can sometimes overwhelm other colors on top of them during a performance for instance keyboards playing fast arpeggios against melodies played softly by guitar/vocals combinations while simultaneously adding synth pads underneath providing depth so instead there are gentle crashes here and there indicating how far “delicate” the voice should sound through these lush arrangements making every song cycle smoothly into the next.
Support for your DAW and OS
Kush Audio Blyss is compatible with both Windows and OS X so you can use it on your DAW within either of those operating systems which is worth noting since many other mastering-style EQs are only for one or the other rather than both
When testing this plugin I had no issues whatsoever in terms of stability (it didn’t crash once during my time using it) nor did I experience any sort of latency/audio artifacts even when increasing volume to maximum, overall Kush Audio Blyss has been optimized very well making it easy to recommend if we need a reliable solution that sounds great too.
There’s something about the sound that just makes my heart race. Whether it’s the thump of bass at a club or the thunder of an approaching storm, something about the sound just gets my blood pumping. And while some people might find it annoying, I can’t help but love it. There’s just something about the sound that makes me feel alive. Maybe it’s the way it vibrates through my body or the way it fills up a room.
Whatever it is, I can’t help but be drawn to sound. And I’m not the only one. There are plenty of people who love sound for its ability to ignite emotions. So whether you’re a fan of music or you just like the sound of your own voice, Blyss EQ is a great tool for adding an analog vibe to your mixes. With its saturation knob, you can add subtle color to your sound or go all out with an intense saturation effect.
Kush Audio’s Blyss EQ is a mastering-style EQ that has an analog vibe. It comes with presets, and the saturation EQ knob is perfect for adding an extra something to your sound. It’s compatible with both Windows and OS X, and it has been optimized well.
The Verdict:
Blyss from Kush Audio delivers exactly what we want out of an analog equalizer providing us with six bands per channel each with three different styles/options allowing us to achieve the desired effect without too much effort. Although this plugin is not as powerful as other mastering-style EQs out there it still delivers an incredible sound that works well for both the mixing and mastering processes so I would definitely recommend checking Kush Audio Blyss equalizer whether you work in a studio or on stage. If you are looking for a versatile and powerful equalizer, the Blyss from Kush Audio is definitely worth considering. Its flexibility and ease of use make it a great tool for achieving the perfect sound in any environment. Additionally, its capability for both mixing and mastering makes it a valuable asset for any audio engineer or musician. I also recommend checking out the fabfilter proq3 review to see how it compares to the Blyss equalizer and to make an informed decision based on your specific needs and preferences.
Rating: Five out of five stars
Blyss is an enchanting, mystical journey through the stars that makes you feel like this may be where it’s all headed in that great beyond up above us waiting with open arms or maybe just pure silence until our last breath has left us, mortal enemies again then finally free from these burdens known as life and love and the heartache of having both. With Kush’s new processor, a 6-band EQ and mastering-grade Compressor is what you get. Simpler than ever, it still has all of the classic processing features that make old school sound great!
Blyss’ Saturation is a unique color circuit that takes Kush’s best traits and makes them even better. The lushness of the previous version has been heightened with sensitivity to create an unforgettable experience, while still retaining rich tones when pushed hard or dipped in high volumes.
Mixing is a hard task to do right. One-stop shops are the way forward when you need all different kinds of products in one place so it’s easier on yourself and saves time!