Quanta Turns One, And Gets Updated

An updated version of AD046 Quanta by Audio Damage is available now. If you did purchase Quanta, check your email for your upgrade instructions send to you by Audio Damage. See also our Quanta Granular Synth by Audio Damage Review to learn more about this Synth.

Quanta by Audio Damage
Quanta by Audio Damage

AD046 Quanta V1.1.0 New Features and Fixes:

  • Voice activity lights have been replaced with graph indicators. These show a sum of the level of mod going to the Output. (i.e. the graph is the total of everything routed to the OUTPUT channel in the mod matrix.) This gives a much better visual indicator of voice activity than the previous “is this thing on?” LED. 
  • FEGs now have animated activity indicators showing the progress of the FEG for every voice. 
  • FEGs now have a RESET button; this returns the FEG to its default “ADSR” state. 
  • FLFOs now have animated activity indicators for each active voice. 
  • Maximum voice count has been increased to 15. This should solve any lingering voice-rollover issues with MPE controllers. 
  • The salmon color of the interface has had its richness of salmon increased approximately 15%; we are confident this is the richest salmon color in the audio plugin industry. 
  • The voice stealing algorithm (which was the source of most if not all of the “clicks” that many users experienced) has been totally replaced, and Quanta is certified click-free.
  • Fixes:  The cause of the CPU loading when the UI was closed on iOS was found and destroyed. 
  • Fixes:  The Mac factory preset download issues have been solved.
  • Fixes:  Numerous improvements and fixes, and a complete rebuild against all current plugin SDKs. 

In honor of the first birthday of Audio Damage hybrid subtractive/granular synth and flagship product. In addition, from now until Monday, June 3rd, Quanta is US$20.00 off its normal price. 

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