Atmospherical – 4ms SWN | Eowave Fluctuations Magnetiques

When I got the 4ms SWN, I was expecting a wonderful ‘pad machine’ because it offers six wavetable voices that each can be set up as a separate voice and played polyphonically. At first I was a bit disappointed because of the sound. It’s not the module’s fault, because the sound you hear in most videos is also what you get.

A wavetable uses very short 512 sample snippets that roughly add up to one cycle (like one sine wave). So it can sound as a conventional sine, block, triangle and saw, and everything in between. The SWN is an extremely powerful and feature packed module, but if you want to ‘escape’ it’s either conventional or metallic sound, you’ll need to hook it up with other modules and treat it as a ‘raw’ oscillator. So I personally feel it needs reverb, a filter and FM. What happens then, is pure bliss. A wonderful ‘pad machine’.

Cinematic Laboratory on BandCamp

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