Chris Hein Live
SoundTrack Cologne, Europe’s leading congress for music & sound in film, games, and media, celebrates its 17th anniversary and we are delighted to be part of it. From October 14th – 17th, Chris Hein will demonstrate the full range of his virtual instruments live at the facilities of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung in Cologne.
Every year, professional composers for film, games and media from all over Europe meet in Cologne for 4 days.
From October 14th – 17th, Chris Hein will demonstrate the full range of his virtual instruments live at the facilities of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung in Cologne. Four times a day, various artists will perform live shows at the booth, and each day you can win selected libraries.r Europe meet in Cologne for 4 days. With over 40 round tables, panels, workshops, and networking events, SoundTrack Cologne is Europe’s leading congress for music and sound in film, games and media.
For all those who cannot take part in the physical edition due to current travel restrictions, the conference offers an online alternative: On the streaming platform “Show4me”, visitors can also take part in the STC events virtually, the streaming pass costs 40 euros and is available here.