Two-channel sample player

New Arrival! The Two of Cups is a two-channel sample player supporting pitch and sample selection with CV control. The knobs can be set to change the initial sample, pitch, and decay. 2OC comes with an SD card packed with sounds created by Julia Bondar, which include percussion, bass, and leads.

The 2OC is clearly designed to carry your ‘always used’ samples to complement a Queen of Pentacles or Blck_Noir drumkit, drones and leads. It seriously extends the sonlc abilities of a small system in only 6 HP of space. And ofcourse it pairs very well with the other 6 HP modules, especially the new Total Recall preset manager. The name Two of Cups refers to the Tarot card that celebrates a great relationship between two people in the fields of business and passion. It’s a lucky card!

Cinematic Laboratory on BandCamp

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