French High School Sound Effects & Recess Ambience

This sound library is from La Réunion and includes recess sounds recorded at a high school in St. Pierre. I recorded these sounds on February 6th last year and about 1.5 months before the official lockdown. 

French High School Sound Effects Recess Ambience 1
French High School Sound Effects & Recess Ambience 4

With French High School Sound Effects & Recess Ambience you can listen to how the young kids playing carefree around, screaming and playing with each other without knowing that all schools are closing soon and you’re aren’t allowed to meet your friends the same way anymore.

To be honest with you, while I was editing and listened back to the recordings it made me sad and gave me the chills but I’m also glad that I could archive and share these real moments of freedom that seemed so normal to us all.

I know that many of you working on projects that require ambiance recordings before the pandemic and I hope these recordings help. 

We appreciate your support! You can use these royalty-free sound effects for commercial or non-commercial productions & check out the full discography bundle special in the header!

Pricing and Availability

French High School Sound Effects & Recess Ambience is available now.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2493790812 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
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