Make Noise MMG x 2 | Dual Multi-Mode Gate
In this session I powered up my ‘Shared Museum’ for some mindless jamming. I am still missing a QMMG (who doesn’t), but I recently got a second MMG which forms a DMMG (dual multimode gate) so I wanted to try and use some stereo filter sweeps and a percussive patch full of vactrol strikes.
Optomix and Moddemix can handle the VCA/LPG modes and it’s pretty obvious this combo has been a better choice compared to the four LPG’s/VCA’s of the QMMG (because they’re standard issue in the Shared System). However, they can’t do the self-oscillating feedback that gives the QMMG that unique raw squelch. This is where the MMG comes in. MMG can be seen as one full QMMG channel but with lots of extra knobs, CV control, and three vactrols for mode, frequency and resonance (Q), including two strike inputs for frequency and resonance.