bx_masterdesk Review – Mastering for All and Complete Mastering Chain by Brainworx

bx_masterdesk by Brainworx is right fo you to enhance your final mix. For some non-professional mixer, it is an alternative to professional mastering service. For professional mastering houses and producer, this is a tool to produce outcomes in a short time with remarkable results.

3 Compressors You’ll Actually Use by Arturia Review

All three compressors are super versatile and come with the color you want to add to your mix when using these types of compressor. The compressors all performed excellently when forming, polishing and smoothing different instrument tracks. All included compressors help mix engineers and composer who want to self mix their composition in controlling dynamics and keeping the flow and natural character of an instrument or changing it into a direction that helps the overall mix. Merging the three compressors included produces colors that help the mix. The compressors are really easy to set up in a way that they sound excellent.