SchneidersLaden Launches the next workshop season

The weekly workshops at SchneidersLaden are suitable for musicians, artists, and everyone interested in the generation of electronic sounds.

On February 13th SchneidersLaden begins a new workshop series that will run until the end of March. Exciting guests are announced, such as IO Instruments from Berlin, who will open the event series. IO Instruments are a new modular maker with a couple of interesting and affordable new designs, some of them already available.

A week later – February 20th – Jörg Schaaf aka Radikal Technologies will be in Berlin to talk about (and show) his latest synthesizer designs like the Delta Cep A. He is responsible for some modern classic synth designs from Germany – like the Spectralis and Accelerator.

The last workshop in February – on the 27th – is reserved for Frap Tools, who presented their Fumana Filterbank at SchneidersLaden in March 2018. Now, about two years later, they are back with the USTA Sequencer and might also present the resent prototype of Brenso – fingers crossed.

The first workshop in March will be held by Genki Instruments from Iceland – on March 5th! This innovative manufacturer has brought us the Wave and a dedicated eurorack module Wavefront. The combination is an easy and reliable gestural contoller for everyone who is interested in wireless control of his or her synthesizers! This should be an interesting evening!

The 12th of March is reserved for visual artist VanTa. He will show you what he uses to generate graphical extravaganza with modular synthesizers. The focus will be on video synthesizers including modules by LZX Industries that allow your modular synthesizer to generate and process video signals.

March 19th: there will be something – and we will soon know what. This “soon” is just not now. Be patient, be good, help others. In other words: TBA

The last event of this workshop series will be by ACL from Berlin. Their Sinfonion module gained a lot of attention and might be the perfect tool to keep larger modular systems in tune. Learn more about this and other amazing modules by ACL in this workshop.

No knowledge required – the workshops are free of charge and open to everyone interested. The idea behind these workshops is to cover basic technical concepts – needed to understand the workings of modular synthesizers and synthesis in general and to enable the participants to make their first own patch and start creating electronic music.

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New Workshops Season at SchneidersLaden 4

The modular synthesizer scene is a vibrant, supportive and creative space where new forms of art are experienced and boundaries of electronic music have been pushed. This new (old) way of creating electronic sounds had to be learned and artists around the globe have shown that it is possible to create a global community that shares ideas, skills, and knowledge without focusing on profit.

Small centers of encounter and exchange, such as SchneidersLaden in Berlin, played a significant role in this development. Every week Modular Beginner Workshops are held here. The workshops offer the opportunity to overcome the first obstacles on the way to understanding this extraordinary instrument. At the same time, the place offers the possibility of exchange, getting to know each other and making music together.

In two days the next workshop season starts at SchneidersLaden – for the next seven weeks, there will be a workshop every Thursday at 7:30 pm, in addition to the weekly Modular Beginner Workshop.

SchneidersLaden is holding a Modular Beginner Workshop every Thursday at 18:00 – participation is free!

All workshops start at 7:30 pm – right after the Modular Beginner Workshop that is on schedule every Thursday at 6 pm. Learn more about the modular Beginner Workshop here.

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