For just $99.99, get the massive 15GB+ Sound Designer Toolkit 1, 2 & 3 by Sound Ideas. This is truly an essential “Must-have” for any musician and sound designer. The scope of sounds offered is so diverse that for $99 you are getting the holy grail of cinematic sound design.

The sounds included are great to fuse as musical elements in any production. Originally $1485, now available for just $99.99 for a limited time only (you save a whopping $1385). You don’t want to miss this!
Sound Designer Toolkit 1
This set of production elements includes three discs worth of various stingers, rumbles, booms, whooshes, and hits, plus two discs worth of musical effects, hits, accents
If you are looking for a specific stinger to use, you’ll find it in this collection! The musical effects include various categories, from feel to instrumentation. Musical beds and stingers range from a more corporate feel to a relaxed, tranquil feel. Drums, brass, guitars

Sound Designer Toolkit 2
The second installment of the Sound Designer Tool Kit Series has an over 1,600 incredible production elements. 1621 Production Elements as a Download
This set overflows with endless stingers, trailer elements, explosions, destructions, impacts, whooshes and comedy to use in your production. These production elements were designed to encompass a variety of categories: dark, scary, horror, eerie, monsters and aliens, space and sci-fi, nature, animals, and weather. Additionally, there is also a collection of Musical instrument accents and beds – from solo instruments to symphonic
Sound Designer Toolkit 3
Sound Designer Toolkit 3 from Hollywood Edge is a masterful collection of fully designed elements created for Hollywood Edge by Kamen Atanasov. This package of over 2,000 production elements includes everything from Accents to Ambiences, Stingers to Tones & Impacts to Explosions, designed to provide a full mix of Scary, Dramatic, Magical &
This Collection Includes
- Logos & Accents, Stingers, Dramatic & Mood Sweeteners
- The Mystical & Magical, Tones & Drones, Transitions & Movements
- Musical Elements, Ambience, Eerie & Suspenseful Elements
- Alien, Monster & Entity Vocals, Robots, Whooshes
- Build Ups & Risers, Explosions, Impacts
- Pass Bys, Reverses and Alien, Monster & Entity Vocals
Key Features
- 4,797 Royalty Free Production Elements
- Available as a Download
- 24/48 k broadcast wav files
All Audio Plugin Deals Affiliate income I receive will be donated to Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary. In the last 80 years, the wild lion population has declined from 450,000 to between 15,000 and 20,000. In the last 20 years, the wild lion population has decreased by 43%
All Audio Plugin Deals Affiliate income will be donated to Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary. In the last 80 years the wild lion population has declined from 450,000 to between 15,000 and 20,000. In the last 20
In Africa, lions have been forced to survive on land that is only one-fifth of the size they occupied a few decades ago. If habitats shrink further, and the lion population continues to decline at the same rate, it is predicted that there will be no lions left in the wild in 20 years’ time.
Rapid agricultural expansion and human population increase have resulted in our planet’s wildlife, especially its large predators, becoming second-class citizens.
The Kevin Richardson Foundation firmly believes in integrated conservation. This means that if communities in contact with wild species do not experience the tangible benefits of protecting wildlife, then human/wildlife conflict and poaching will persist. The foundation thus seeks to support like-minded organizations that have proven and measurable methods in investing in the education and the creation of jobs, for the benefit of those within the outlying communities. We will also respond to the unique needs of communities close to the habitats we seek to purchase and protect. The foundation seeks to enable children all over South Africa to have access to their wildlife by funded visits to the sanctuary, game drives and other initiatives. In 2019 the Foundation will be launching the Kevin Richardson Scholarship to support academic studies aimed towards finding conservation solutions for South Africa’s threatened wildlife.
Kevin Richardson Foundation has launched the #onecupforacause challenge. With over 2.2 BILLION cups of coffee drunk around the world every single day, what if we donated just one ‘coffee’ a month to fight for the lions’ future? You can also support the NFR here in their latest campaign.