DUBSTATION 2 Bucket-Brigade Delay Plugin updated to Version 2.1

The iconic bucket-brigade effect was created by ‘Digital Persecution,’ a software VST instrument developed in the early 2000s. ‘Digital Damage’ has been the go-to plugin for that sound for over a decade, used in hundreds of commercial projects and with good reason.

Topology with a vintage feel from ‘Boddika’s Distro,’ the Superjam, and other obscurities. Synth sound is an additive synth that works well in gamepads and minimalism genres. It has been used in many live performances, including Ultra Music Festival 2015 by deadmau5.

Dubstation Bucket-Brigade Delay

The Dubstation 2 now emulates a vintage bucket-brigade delay in full, and the new dual-mode for separate control over the left and right delay times and ping-pong makes it a Swiss Army knife for delay effects.

“We can’t do it by hand,” says Thorsten Meyer. “To make any sort of sound, you have to layer all these different pieces together. But, we’ve got this amazing piece of software called Dubstation, which is Audio Damage’s plug-in for emulating vintage delay effects.”

The sound of obsolete analog delay units, such as their unusual pitch changes, odd frequency responses, and warm distortion when overloaded, is realistically reproduced by Dubstation.

Subtractive synthesis allows you to sculpt your sound manually, as used in subtractive synthesizer delays. Subtractive synths respond well to pitch-shifting and time-shifting modulation effects, allowing for creative applications of these techniques on other instruments.

DUBSTATION 2 Bucket-Brigade Delay Plugin

These abilities can be useful when blending with analog gear or tracking an existing track through a vintage tape machine. With all of these features and power, Dubstation is as simple and enjoyable to use as your favorite vintage gear delay—all you have to do is twist the knobs.

What’s better than one delay line? Two, of course. Dual-mode in Dubstation 2 also features separate delay time controls for the left and right channels as well as ping-pong mode for tried-and-true cross-feedback effects, allowing your delays to alternate between channels.

A new version of Audio Damage Delay plugin DUBSTATION 2 has been released. Check your email for an updated download link if you own this plugin. This new version of DUBSTATION 2 promises improved performance and additional features for users. If you haven’t received the updated download link, be sure to reach out to Audio Damage for assistance. Keep an eye out for more exciting audio release plugins from Audio Damage in the future.

Changes and Fixes in v2.1.0

  • Added Ubuntu 18/19 64-bit VST version to installer payload.
  • Merged iOS and desktop UI versions, so UI is identical on all platforms.
  • macOS version is now Notarized for full Catalina compatibility.
  • macOS 32-bit versions removed.
  • Mono > stereo channel configuration added.
  • Windows installer now signed.
  • VST3 channel configuration fixed. (Fix)
  • Rebuilt with all current SDKs and APIs. (Fix)
  • General bug fixes and improvements. (Fix)

DUBSTATION 2 Bucket Brigade Delay Plugin updated to Version 2.1

Audio Damage’s painstakingly modeled bucket-brigade delay has been the go-to plugin for that sound for over a decade, used in thousands of commercial productions, and with good reason. Dubstation’s intuitive topology brings the mojo of yesteryears’ hardware delays to your DAW.

Dubstation Bucket-Brigade Delay

Dubstation 2 takes Audio Damage’s most popular product and adds a whole raft of new features. With the addition of LFO and saturation controls, Dubstation 2 now fully emulates a vintage bucket-brigade delay, and the new dual-mode for separate control over the left and right delay times and ping-pong make it a Swiss Army knife for delay effects.


  • Delay
    Two tempo-synced or free-running delay lines with feedback
  • Multiple Delay Modes
    Dubstation 2 can be used as a single mono or stereo delay effect, in dual mode with separate controls for the left and right channels’ delay times and in ping-pong mode.
  • Classic Delay Algorithm
    Dubstation 2 features Audio Damage’s renowned model of bucket-brigade delay circuits, a faithful digital recreation of vintage hardware.
  • Time Controls
    The user can switch between two delay time ranges, encompassing 4 to 2000 milliseconds. Frequency-response characteristics vary with delay time – a fundamental aspect of the sonic personality of analog bucket-brigade delay circuits.
  • Low-Frequency Oscillator
    Delay time can be periodically altered with an LFO, producing changes in both the time between delayed signals and their apparent pitch.
  • Filters
    Low-cut and high-cut filters with user-controlled cutoff frequencies in the delay path offer a wide range of timbres
  • Saturation
    Analog-style saturation with an amount of control allowing for distortion from the subtle to the extreme.
  • Feedback
    User-controllable feedback ranging from almost none to full feedback of the delayed signal back into the delay lines’ inputs.
  • Loop Mode
    It causes Dubstation to endlessly play the audio currently in its delay line without alteration. Filter and saturation effects are applied to the output signal in Loop Mode.
  • Reverse Mode
    The Reverse switch makes Dubstation reverse the current contents of its delay memory and the direction in which it records.
  • Mix control
    Blend of the processed and the dry input signal.
  • Gain Staging Controls
    Input and output gain controls ranging from -80dB to +3dB.
  • Cross-Platform Preset Format
    Dubstation 2 utilizes an XML-based preset manager. Work between multiple systems without troubles, make a preset on your desktop machine and paste it to the iOS version with Handoff, easily share your creations with your friends, or make a preset bundle to sell.
  • Fully Resizable Hi-Dpi/Retina GUI
    Dubstation 2’s vector-based GUI is resolution-agnostic and displays the same on every system and resolution. Easily resize the UI (per instance) to match your visual needs, from postage stamp to poster-sized.
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