During COVID Lockdown one of HISSandaROAR’s founder Tim Prebble projects was to build a greenhouse, which first meant moving a lot of clay & soil… And while doing manual labor a sound caught Tim’s ear: huge clods of clay sounded great impacting one of the old sheds, especially an old woodshed/bunker.

He figured placing mics inside the shed (as well as exterior) should capture some nice low end… and Tim was right!

With traffic and flight noise at a minimum due to lockdown, Tim captured impacts on three different sheds. The first started off as good solid metallic impacts but slowly changed to solid earth impacts as it became covered, which he just knew could be super useful elements for body fall and large scale monster foot stomps.

Tim carried on to record two other old sheds: one was used to store firewood & the other coal. He disassembled one and relocated it, but decided to let gravity help him move the other one, and as you’ll see in the MAKING OF Video he only had one chance to record it!

This mini FX library was recorded 24bit 96kHz with an MKH8040 pair on exterior, an MKH8020 pair on interior along with an MKH8050 on interior. The resulting mini FX library is super-affordable and provides an immediately useable collection of solid impacts – from singular solid earth thuds through to more complex metal impacts, with varying degrees of debris.
Pricing and Availability
FX006 SHED IMPACTS is available now, for 33% early bird discount use Coupon Code ‘DOOF’ (expires July 26th)