Both I2C8 and Spexx by Re-Compose have been improved and updated.

I2C8 is an innovative real-time MIDI generator and MIDI sequence generator for both studio and live application, featuring a unique and highly interactive user interface.

Spexx is a powerful audio effects plug-in featuring two processing stages and seven individual effects for interactive spectral manipulations of an audio signal.

I2C8 features two new functionalities around step sequencing and chord velocity. In version 1.0.4, now available for download, Re-Compose introducing the ability to control velocity per step for a more dynamic expression (via a velocity slider for the respective chord that sits on the right side of the chord symbol selector) and to turn off individual steps without losing the generative powers of I2C8 (via an On/Off-icon placed at the top right of a chord symbol). Best effects are achieved with fast rhythmic music.

Equally, there are a number of improvements to stability and performance, bug fixes, automatic software version checks and installers across both plug-ins. And, of course new user manuals – just in case you missed that.

For Spexx another update is due in the next weeks that will feature AAX support. The implementation is ready, testing of the beta version featuring AAX will start in the next days.

Download now
The updates are free for owners of I2C8 and Spexx. Download the new plug-in versions directly here from Re-Compose Support Centre.

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