Rob Papen DelSane Released
It is true that the amount of Delay FX available is like the number of stars in the Milky Way! Looking at all these stars (Delays) can be overwhelming, so to keep your music production sane…Rob Papen has created DelSane. Rob Papen puts out DelSane virtual stereo delay effect plug-in with disruptive split-personality-styled behavior

As an appropriately-named effect plug-in with a ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ behavioral disorder, DelSane makes musical sense when viewed from Rob Papen’s perspective, positioned this way: while it is true that the abundance of delay effects already out there sometimes seems like trying to count the number of stars in the Milky Way, which can be overwhelming, DelSane was duly designed as a way of staying sane when navigating increasingly-insane modern music production waters as an easy-to-use, lovely-sounding stereo tape delay plug-in. Perversely, perhaps, it could be considered insane if Rob Papen’s latest product did not offer something special, as is the Dutch virtual synthesizer, instrument, and effect plug-in developer’s modus operandi. On the face of it, then, it is called DelSane since it is possible to imagine dropping ‘Del’ in favor of ‘In’ as insane-sounding delay types can also be created!
- The concept of DelSane is two-sided. The first (sane) side is a smooth-sounding Tape Delay which can be easily used as a Stereo or Mono Delay in your music production or as (insane) a creative, think out of the box Delay FX device.
- The layout is easy to understand and this DelSane can be your basic go-to Delay plug-in for many future music productions.
- GUI sizes: 100%, 125%, 150% and 200%.
- The cool ‘Equal Feedback’ feature gives the Stereo Delay a smooth equal Left and Right tail Feedback.
- If you need a bit of edge added to the Delay sound, the ‘Distortion’ parameter is also available.
- To alienate the Delay sound even more we added the ‘Frequency Shift’ feature.
- The creative side of DelSane is the ‘Disrupt Sphere-Slider’. This Sphere-Slider can be connected to the various Delay parameters and by moving the Sphere-Slider, you can change multiple Delay parameters in a dynamic way. Also, if you move the Sphere-Slider, it can move back to the center in a tempo-based way which we call the ‘Spring’ feature. Very dynamic changing Delays are possible using this ‘Disrupt’ feature!
- To avoid muscle pain… you also can use the ‘Lazy Mode’ so that the movement of the Sphere-Slider can be automated in different directions, which allows you to also create Flanger, Chorus or creative new types of modulation sounds.
- There is an ‘Audio Follower’ which can be used to influence various Delay parameters including the ‘Sphere-Slider Disrupt’ parameter itself!
- The ‘MIDI & MOD’ control section can be used to influence various DelSane parameters including the ‘Disrupt Sphere-Slider’!
- So, either way…for a sane top sounding Tape Delay or crazy insane changing Delay, RP-DelSane is your go-to Delay for years to come 😀
Central to the insanely creative DelSane is its eye-catching DISRUPT spherical slider. Since said slider is connected to the various delay parameters, it is possible to change multiple parameters in a dynamic way when moved. It is also Spring featured, so can be made to spring back into the Center position in a tempo-based manner, making for very dynamically-changing disruptive ‘insane’ delay types — and all without recording innumerable parameters, paralleling trying to count those Milky Way stars!
So think of DelSane as a two-sided — split-personality-style — concept with the first (sane) side being a smooth-sounding tape delay that can be easily used as a stereo or mono delay and the second (insane) side acting as a creative conduit to thinking out of the box with delay effects.
Either way, DelSane it surely set to become a go-to delay plug-in perfectly suited to any music production, thanks to its easy-to-understand layout presented as an easy-on-the eye GUI (Graphical User Interface) that is resizable from 100% to 200% in four incremental steps.

Further features well worth highlighting here include a cool EQUAL FEEDBACK function — providing the STEREO DELAY with an equally smooth left and right feedback tail; DISTORT — adding a bit of a distorted edge to the delayed sound; and FREQ SHIFT — alienating the delayed sound still further.
Easing the delayed sound’s passage into modern music production waters — whether sane or otherwise — while avoiding any muscle pain in the process, activating the LAZY MODE automates the movement of the DISRUPT spherical slider in different directions, duly allowing for the creation of chorus, flanger, or new types of modulation effects, while an AUDIO FOLLOWER function facilitates influencing various delay parameters — including the DISRUPT spherical slider itself! Meanwhile, MIDI & MOD makes for further flexibility when it comes to influencing those various delay parameters.
So ‘sanity’ and ‘insanity’ is available in abundance when working with DelSane — so much so that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde would surely approve… if involved in modern music production!

Pricing and Availability
DelSane is available as a 64-bit AAX-, AU-, and VST-compatible effect plug-in for Mac (OS X 10.12 – macOS 11) and as a 32- and 64-bit VST- compatible effect plug-in for PC (Windows 7/8/10) — with 64-bit AAX compatibility available for PT 12 or higher (PC) — at a time-limited introductory promo price of €29.00 EUR/$29.00 USD until May 15, 2021 — rising thereafter to a MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) of €35.00 EUR/ $35.00 USD — from authorized Rob Papen dealers worldwide or as a download directly from Rob Papen itself for the same pricing.
While DelSane is not included in the latest version of the eXplorer 6 bundle, Rob Papen is offering DelSane for free to anyone that purchases — or upgrades to — eXplorer 6 between now and May 31, 2021.