Zimmertime – Time – by Hans Zimmer from #Inception – on the Modular

Patch notes below. It’s a shame there’s no ‘bought it’ button when these ‘masterclass’ commercials play just before any youtube video. I just can’t seem to watch a video without mr. Zimmer talking about dodgy questions and answers. I took his course because I am a huge fan of his work, and he taught me this : if you find a rule, go break it. And even more important: don’t be like me (hans), be like yourself. I will try. But not today. In this video I’d like to thank my Jedi Master and be a bit like him.

It’s not very obvious, but the theme of ‘Time’ is only four notes: C, G, B and G flat. There’s another B one octave higher. That’s also what I love about mr. Zimmer’s work. You don’t have to study music for ten years to play his compositions and they’re perfect for playing them on a modular. I am definitely going to try the BatMan theme next because that’s just two notes for the bass and two notes for the huge brass. Wouldn’t that be fun on a Shared System with the DPO! There are two reasons why I share this track: 1) i love it and 2) it helps you discover the potential of your modular.

Patch notes
Sequences by 1010Music Toolbox
Main theme by Loquelic Iteritas, bass by Manis Iteritas, snare by Basimilus.
Slew by Intellijel Noise Tools.
Strings by 2x Plaits (Supersaw mode – red 1) through Stages (Envelope) and Veils (VCA).
FX by Clouds, microClouds and Milkyway

All samples from 1010Music BitBox, produced in Ableton
Clocks and beats – Native Instruments Maschine
Strings & Horns – EastWest Composer Cloud – Hollywood Strings / Symphony Orchestra
Piano – Native Instruments The Giant

Cinematic Laboratory on BandCamp

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