From dissonant drones to massive swells, “Sentient Frequencies” lets you experience the richness of performed instruments with sound fx in mind.
Roaring didgeridoos, whaling timpani’s – TONSTURM performed in stunning spaces using extended techniques on a huge variety of selected instruments: Space Cello, Grand Piano, Concert Harp, Huge Pipe Organ, Concert Timpani’s and Base-drums, Overtone Flute and a Double Bass.

Like with its predecessor “Esoteric Metal”, the spaces TONSTURM captures our recordings in are always crucial to us, and therefore the company took a lot of effort to come up with 4 different and spectacular sounding spaces to offer you maximum sonic diversity and richness in sound.
Three Different Mic Setups and Positions
- In 7.0Surround. 7 x Sennheiser MKH 8020. This setup was positioned quite distant to the sound source and will be a joy to use in a wide cinema context.
- LCR with 3(!) Sanken CO-100k, to get you the most high-frequency action. They were positioned at a medium distance to the sound source.
1 Schoeps MS (with XT body to extend the frequency range) positioned close to the sound source. The Harp was recorded with a Trance Audio Inducer Piezo mic.

TONSTURM also included carefully crafted mix-downs for your convenience: 5.0 surround Mix-downs and Stereo Mix-downs of everything.

TONSTURM is founded by Tilman Hahn and Emil Klotzsch. Both work as Sound Designers and Sound Editors in Cologne, Germany and share a passion for recording sounds. They created this platform not just to provide unique sound effects, but also to live out their passion.
Pricing and Availability
Sentient Frequencies is available now in a 2.0 STEREO and a Full Version. IF you obtain Sentient Frequencies before 18.12.2020 you are benefiting from an introduction price.