Win an MPC2000xl

Samples From Mars is running a competition where you can win an MPC2000xl. Produce an original composition using only the MPC2000 Snacks From Mars for your drum sounds. and enter for a chance to win an MPC2000XL and free samples for life.


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  • WINNER gets an MPC2000XL, free sample for life, and their composition posted on Samples From Mars website and Soundcloud.
  • SECOND PLACE gets free samples for life and their composition posted on Samples From Mars website and Soundcloud.
  • THIRD PLACE gets free samples in 2020 and their composition posted on Samples From Mars website and Soundcloud.

Submit Your Composition

  • Create an original composition at least 2 minutes in length that uses only the MPC2000 Snacks From Mars for drums
  • Feel free to manipulate the drums however you want
  • Use anything else for non-drum tracks that you have the legal rights to use
  • Be prepared to show project files
  • Submit composition by May 22nd at 11:30 PM EST or before Samples From Mars receive 1,000 submission
  • Samples From Mars judges will choose the winning composition based on musicality, originality, demonstration of samples and production value
  • Winner will be announced in June
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