CARGO4 update for ENDORPHIN.ES – SHUTTLE CONTROL launched a new Cargo 4 firmware for the Shuttle Control – this update is all about a love story to generative music, and a particular emotion about caressing sensitive materials with the fingertips. Available for download here.

SHUTTLE CONTROL CARGO 4 V. 4.0 – 18.03.20

New Cargo4 editor

  • New Cargo4 editor: Use it to have access to all the latest features added.

Standalone mode without a USB device (all Cargo4 updates by Xavier Galai)

  • Long pressing the UP button for 1 second activates tap tempo mode.
  • Tap the UP button 3 or more times to set the tempo of the internal clock.
  • The internal clock will be generated and applied to all clock-based CV generators, arpeggiator, as well as sent over both USB host and device outputs
  • Any of the ‘Synchronization’ menu entries can be used to generate gates on tempo, random gates, random values, pulsers (decay envelopes) etc.
  • Long press of UP button stops the internal clock. Further tapping 3 or more times starts it again. DOWN button exits the standalone mode into preset select (standard) mode with the clock running in the background. Each new preset selection will immediately fetch the clock and generate CV events if there are any assigned.

Tap tempo

  • Use CC#29 on a button, and hit it 3 times to get a tempo clock generated by the Shuttle Control.
  • Internal clock will be generated the same way as in standalone mode above.
  • That clock will drive arpeggiator and all the sync features, without requiring an external MIDI clock.

Arpeggiator update

  • Arpeggiator is now 10 notes max instead of 8 (hey, we’ve born with 10 fingers).
  • Arpeggiator transmits MPE CC (CC#01, CC#74, aftertouch, pitch-bend) in real time – it stays fully expressive.
  • Arpeggiator’s velocity added – can be used to control unique per note pulsers (envelopes). Hit hard and you’ll have a long ring
    on the current note. Each time the arpeggiator plays this note, it fires the pulser with its own velocity. You can use that as
    accents on some arpeggiated notes.
  • Arpeggiator pressure pulser: same thing as velocity, but updated in real time, so you can change accents over the time even
    with multiple notes, CC#01, CC#74, aftertouch outputs for the arpeggiator, linked to the currently played note value.
  • Reverse pulsers (like before with velocity), 127-value, to allow different accents without requiring an attenuverter/polarizer.
  • Arpeggiator still reacts to shuffle CC#50 and sustain CC#64.
  • Arpeggiator can be paused with CC#28 (flip-flop action).
  • Arpeggiator related outputs will behave exactly like their non arpeggiator counter parts, i.e. pitch bends, pulsers, gates,
    triggers. This means that you don’t need to decide in advance if you need a preset with arpeggiator, just use it, and switch it off
    if not needed to save CV outputs

Synchronization update

  • Synchronization menu has new and updated/renamed entries, all of which can be driven by any clock (internal tap or USB host/device).
  • Random source/stored/quantized 1/16 uni/bi tick as before with 1/16th time intervals and also functioning at 1/16th by default.
  • Added new entries (1/4 and 1/1) to have random values generated, and held for a longer time period, allowing slower modulations.
  • All Synchronization based generators still react to divider control CC#12, which now can be used to control the following divider interval options: PPQN24 /3 /6 /12 /24 /48 /96.
  • Probability outputs are synchronized to a 24PPQN clock (either tap tempo or MIDI driven one), probability outputs roll dice to know if they will output something.
  • That probability roll dice action above is reserved by momentary CC#35, to have denser or sparser gates/triggers.
  • Synchronization gate/trigger outputs function the same way as the probability, but always aligned on either 1/4 or 1/16 clocks. In that case their feeling is much more musical and definitely behaves like a random rhythm generator. By default, 1/4
    aligned events, generate 1/4th gates, same for 1/16 (i.e. Sync 1/16 Probability Gate).
  • Sync 1/16 Probability Gate Random Duration is the same as probability, with random gates duration.
  • Short: the gate for the random duration by default can be fast, long, or decided by the internal source of uncertainty. Short outputs,
    always generate shorter random duration events, which are great for glitch music.
  • Flip flop gates / special chef favorites: Sync 1/1 – 1/4 – 1/16 Flip-flop Gates – those ones, are going up and down, constantly,
    aligned on clocks. It’s nothing more than a clock aligned square wave. The idea beyond this, is for “gating” the sound. Patch 1/4 into a filter or a wavefolder and then use your modules as usual. Ideally with the arpeggiator, or random gates indeed. You will then have this famous gating sound, with the filter (or folder) going from 5v to 0v on tempo, slower than notes (which are played 1/16). Then use 1/16 based events to modulate something else, e.g. FM index. You’ll discover, that the duration 1/16 is not their duration, but the context in which they have to be used.
  • Pulser is Easel like pulser which is basically an envelope with instant attack and slow decay. Looking like a vactrol decay. It is very good for modulations, or driving a VCF/VCA. Its behavior is now inverted – lower velocity/pressure – shorter decay and vice versa.


  • MIDI running status is now fully supported, not ignored any longer (thanks Nicolas Bougaïeff for persistent request). This may cause skipped notes when notes overlap in applications that use MIDI running status such as Ableton Live, Max MSP, Elektron Octatrak.
    Overlapping the notes was required to generate the slides with Autolegato portamento mode.
  • Auto-legato checkbox on-off. Now portamento may be achieved either with:
  • Auto-legato (checkbox on) with CC#5 when portamento happened only during notes overlap, or
  • Auto-legato off (checkbox off) with CC#5 always without the notes overlap.
  • For better compatibility, all the triggers are now fixed to 10ms length (instead of previous optional 1ms or 10ms). That checkbox is not
    used to turn auto-legato on/off.
  • Disable patch changes checkbox also prevents sending the sysex of the preset over MIDI out. That was crucial as if you daisy-chain
    Shuttle Controls and change presets on one, that caused presets change on other being in return MIDI feedback loop.
  • Minor animation fixes and new startup animation 🙂
  • “READ ALL PRESETS” button now deactivated but will be fixed soon
  • New factory presets updated:
  • 1 – Beatstep Pro: MIDI ch 1/2 and 10 for drums,
  • 2 – Teenage Engineering OP-Z: all 8 channels and clock
  • 3 – Sensel Morph (with Thunder overlay) / Roli Seaboard:
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