Comb is an IIR peaking comb filter with control over cutoff frequency, resonance that can be driven into self oscillation, and a dampening filter in the feedback path.

Comp is a high fidelity compressor featuring numerous controls and a sidechain input. Dial in the perfect compression setting with separate threshold and ratio knobs. Define a smooth dynamic response with Attack and release. In addition, the sidechain input lets you create pumping mixes in response to a key signal, all without leaving your rack.

Wage your own loudness war, or craft your next EDM banger with Comp!

  • High Fidelity compressor module
  • Dedicated controls for threshold, ratio, attack, and release
  • Sidechain key input provides pumping effects

2hp Comp General Functions Overview

Comb Overview
  1. IN:
    Audio input
    Range: 10Vpp
    Control voltage input for FREQ
    Control voltage is added to the knob position
    Range: ±5V
  3. FREQ:
    Sets cutoff frequency that is inversely proportional to delay time.
    A cutoff frequency of 500Hz equals a delay time of 2ms.
    Control voltage input for RES
    Control voltage is added to the knob position
    Range: ±5V
  5. RES:
    Sets the feedback amount of the delay line which controls the amplitude of the
    resonant peaks
    Control voltage input for DAMP
    Control voltage is added to the knob position
    Range: ±5V
  7. DAMP:
    Sets the cutoff frequency of a 1-pole filter within the feedback path
    If the knob is far left, dampening is fully applied and the filter will have a darker tone
    If the knob is far right, no dampening is applied and the filter will have a brighter tone
  8. OUT:
    Audio output
    Range: 10Vpp

Pricing and Availability

2hp Comp is now available. You can select an black or silver front panel.

2hp Comp Now Shipping 1
2hp Comp Now Shipping 5
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