thru5: One MIDI Signal to Five Targets
thru5 is a kit that’s valuable and makes it easier to route midi in your studio. It’s a 5-port MIDI splitter (thru box) that copies MIDI messages received at the MIDI IN and passes them to the five MIDI OUTs. Each output is processed through a low-latency active circuit.

This small MIDI splitter kit routes one MIDI signal to five targets at once.
thru5: MIDI Features
- This is an easy-to-build kit; some through-hole soldering required
- Passes MIDI data from the MIDI IN to five MIDI OUT jacks
- Low latency hardware MIDI pass-through
- Runs on 5V Power from a computer USB port or USB wall wart (power only, does not pass data)
- Opto-isolated MIDI IN to eliminate ground loops
- Individual active signal processing for each MIDI OUT