Based on Elements by Mutable Instruments, the MODAL SYNTHESIS VOICE (MSV) uses advanced digital signal processing to simulate an abstracted physical object which can be treated like a percussive, bowed, and wind instrument simultaneously.
The three outputs of this process are mixed together and routed through a resonant filter bank that simulates various physical phenomena such as vibrating metal plates, strings, and membranes. The results range from familiar Buchlidian percussive tones to wild inharmonic dissonance, polished off with an internal digital reverb/spatializer.
With extensive voltage control options, Buchla-compatible audio and CV levels, and external audio inputs for both the exciter and resonator sections, the MSV significantly expand the timbral palette of your Buchla-format modular system.
Preorder now and save 10% off the final price. The estimated shipping date is January 2020.