Universal Audio LA610 Review

Hey guys! Alex Scott here with consordini.com and thank you so much for checking out another one of our videos!

Today we are going to be taking a look at the Universal Audio LA610. The UA LA 610 is a great piece of analog hardware that is preamp compressor combo. It is a complete tube channel strip all in one box and it sounds awesome. It has a great vintage “old-school” kind of vibe to it. This unit includes a classic UA 610 preamp on the left and a compressor on the right that very closely resembles the LA2A compression circuit.

This is a classic tube audio powerhouse. The brushed metal front definitely gives it a vintage look as well. If you want to know more and see how it sounds, be sure to watch our Universal Audio LA 610 review! What what are your opinions of the UA LA-610? Do you like Universal Audio hardware? Do you like “all in one” boxes like this one? We would love to hear your thoughts. Let us know in the comments below!

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