8Dio Vibraphone
The Vibraphone is featured from 8Dio’s Studio Orchestral Percussion library, which contains 6 deep-sampled percussion instruments including the Marimba, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Crotales & Tubular Bells.
8Dio Vibraphone is a featured Instrument from our Studio Percussion Series and uses our advanced technique ‘Groove Sampling™’ that allows you to create hyper-realistic percussive grooves with a single touch of a key. Groove Sampling is a proprietary method developed by 8Dio.
Vibraphone Articulations
- Mallet 1
- Mallet 2
- Brushes
- Bowed
- Rolls Mallet 1
- Rolls Mallet 2
- 8ths Mallet 1 (Double and Triple Time)
- 8ths Mallet 2 (Double and Triple Time)
- 16th Mallet 1 (Double and Triple Time)
- 16th Mallet 2 (Double and Triple Time)
- 32nd Mallet 1 (Double and Triple Time)
- 32nd Mallet 2 (Double and Triple Time)
The Vibraphone consists of rows of metal bars that are struck with mallets to produce a metallic yet rounded and warm sound in its lower registers and a much brighter sound in its upper registers. The 8Dio Vibraphone contains 12 unique articulations including different types of mallets, brushes as well as bowed playing styles. The different playing techniques give the library incredible versatility with the warmer mallets, more tinny brushes, and drawn out bowed notes. The 12 Articulations and 3 microphone positions (Close, Mid & Far) are all easy-accessed from our front-facing browser. The Vibraphone was meticulously recorded with six different playing styles, including two different mallets, brushes, bowed, and two separate rolls.