Unstrung from Fallout Music Group
Fallot Music Group presents the next release in their Artist Series instruments – Unstrung – featuring the sound design of Randon Purcell.
Created almost entirely from raw, live, solo string recordings, Unstrung offers something truly unique for your horror and tension cues. Knocks pluck, screeches, grindings, dives, and ricochets from Cello, Viola, Violin, and Banjo (yup, banjo), create hits, risers, and patterns that are not only unique but simple to manipulate and put into your own tracks.
Provides you with a 16 step sequencer where each step can be loaded with a different sample from one of 5 categories (and over 250 distinct samples) of sounds: Knocks, Plucks, Ricochets, Grinds, and Dives. Each step can have volume, panning, length and tuning adjustments, making for infinite possibilities, and direct syncing to various time signatures in your DAW.

- Thousands of unique pattern combinations and patterns readily available and simple to generate
- 16 step sequencer with control to change the active number of steps
- Prebuilt pattern menu with many custom patterns ready to give you a jump start
- Unique organic sources
- Randomization options at the instrument level, allowing you to randomize all 16 sources with all categories of sounds or limited to certain combinations of sounds
- Keyboard mapped to use one key to play the pattern automatically and another 16 keys to allow you to play your own pattern manually with the 16 loaded sample steps
- Per-step source selection, randomize, volume, mute and panning controls
- Per-step pitch shifting to allow up to +3/-3 octaves(adjusted in semi-tones)
- Global FX, including distortion, delay (temp-sync optional), and a reverb with optional reverse option for some truly creepy effects
- All sources recorded at 24bit, 48k quality
Provides you with 80 different whoosh effects, all made from live string manipulations and over 250 different one shot samples combined in our 3-layer engine to generate hits and jump scares. Play the hit by itself or play any of the whooshes which are programmed to play the hit automatically at the end of the whoosh. Create endless combinations of hits from subtle to absolutely horrific.

- Thousands and thousands of unique combinations available via our 3 layer engine, allowing you to create truly unique hits and sounds for your compositions
- Per-layer ADSR controls
- Per-layer high / low pass filter controls
- Per-layer pitch shifting to allow up to +3/-3 octaves(adjusted in semi-tones)
- Per-layer source selection and randomization
- Per-layer solo, mute, volume and panning controls
- Volume, high / low pass filter and pitch shifting +2/-2 octaves (adjusted in semi-tones) for the whoosh layer
- Instrument level randomizer to randomize sources for all 3 layers, giving you instant inspiration and creative freedom
- Keyboard mapped to play the engineered hit on C3 and each whoosh followed by the engineered hit on all other keys from C0 to G# 6
- Global FX, including saturation, distortion, delay (temp-sync optional), and a reverb
- All sources recorded at 24bit, 48k quality
If you own our Ascendance product, you already know how easy it can be to make unique risers with our 3-layer engine. Unstrung Risers introduces a whole new version of our 3-layer engine, with various live string and manipulated/processed string risers, all recorded at 8 bars, 120bpm and set to stretch to your project tempo. This is all new content, including live solo string glissandos and various FX noises you only get from torturing acoustic string noises…and a few synths were thrown in just to round things out.

- Thousands of unique combinations available via our 3 layer engine, allowing you to create truly unique risers for your horror and tension compositions
- Per-layer ADSR controls
- Per-layer high / low pass filter controls
- Per-layer pitch shifting to allow up to +3/-3 octaves(adjusted in semi-tones)
- Per-layer source selection and randomization
- Per-layer solo, mute, volume and panning controls
- Instrument level randomizer to randomize sources for all 3 layers, giving you instant inspiration and creative freedom
- Keyboard mapped to play the engineered riser on E2 and pitch stretched across the octave up to E3
- Global FX, including saturation, distortion, delay (temp-sync optional), and a reverb
- All sources recorded at 24bit, 48k quality
Pricing and Availability
Unstrung is available now (30% Off Intro for a limited time).