Tracktion enhances Waveform now Version 10 of the DAW is available

Waveform 10 is released. From the new Subtractive synthesizer to the new built-in Auto-Tune, Waveform 10 features a host of new user interface and workflow improvements designed to help navigate its deep capabilities.

waveform screen composition tools

Actions Panel

Waveform 10’s actions panel has been developed for lightning-fast workflow and easy, intuitive navigation of commonly used features. The flexible track grouping and track editor window features make editing new or existing groups quick and easy allowing users smart and swift access to untold sound potential. The UI and UX developments mean track destinations are always clear and accessible.

Waveform 10 features a host of new user interface and workflow improvements designed to help navigate its deep capabilities. The addition of an all-new ‘Actions Panel’ accessible in the browser allows the user to fully customize what features are displayed – favoriting commonly used actions and hiding those rarely needed. Users can also create their own actions using macro scripts and assign custom key commands further increasing the apps ability to respond to its user’s particular workflow.

Actions are available via the right-click menu and can be accessed by the cursor position greatly speeding up your ability to access core functions. Additional edit screens and plugin UI’s can also be launched directly from this Actions Panel keeping all your common tools in one place. Prepare to become an editing ninja.

The latest version of the Waveform 10 comes complete with sixty-two new built-in plugins designed with an analog circuit-inspired interface. The opportunities for building complex rack environments with this DAW are in a class of their own. The Midi improvements provide users with increased ability to preview chords and compare different synths.

Editing in the new DAW has gone from strength to strength. Range selection allows users to select a series of tracks across sets of discontinuous ones, move, duplicate or delete them. The new vertical cursor improves speed and accuracy and options have been added to the enhanced multi-sampler to aid workflow. Finding inspiration has never been easier.

Waveform 10 is the only digital audio workstation to include genuine Auto-Tune® technology from Antares Technologies. This plus Melodyne and Elastique Pro make Wavefrom10 the most complete suite of audio pitch manipulation tools ever assembled in a DAW.

The potency of the DAWs performance has been boosted by the huge improvements in host stability management. To combat the possible loss of data due to plugin crashes, Waveform 10 features constant save technology and immediate crash recovery. Free online video tutorials and support makes Waveform 10 accessible to all.

There are no restrictions with Waveform 10. It offers unlimited track count, full feature set and the freedom to add in any plugin at a very affordable price. It functions on all major desktop operating systems, features a massive suite of over eighty plugins and provides a vast array of different instruments – something for any music genre.  Imagination is the only limit!

To find out more about Waveform 10 and Tracktion products please visit the company product pages.


All Tracktion DAWs feature a single screen interface and an ever-growing list of premium features. They’ve been designed specifically for use by musicians, artists and composers in need of a powerful, easy-to-use and affordable recording platform. The differences between T7 and Waveform are shown on the comparison chart.

Support for macOS10.10 or later (64bit)10.9 or later (32/64bit)10.9 or later (32/64bit)
Support for WINDOWS7 / 8 / 10 (64bit)7 / 8 / 10 (32/64bit)7 / 8 / 10 (32/64bit)
Support for LINUXUbuntu 18.04 (64bit)Ubuntu 16.04 (64bit)Ubuntu 16.04 (64bit)
Support for PluginsVST/AU/Linux VSTVST/AU/Linux VSTVST/AU/Linux VST
Unlimited Audio TracksYesYesYes
Unlimited MIDI TracksYesYesYes
AutomationYes EnhancedYes EnhancedYes Enhanced
Keyboard ShortcutsYes + User ScriptsYes + User ScriptsYes + User Scripts
Video SyncYesYesYes
Timestretch AlgorithmProfessionalProfessionalProfessional
Latency ManagementYesYesYes
Step SequencerEnhancedEnhancedEnhanced
Freeze Point TechnologyYesYesYes
Edit ClipsYesYesYes
MIDI LearnYesYesYes
Audio CompingAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced
Warp TimeYesYesYes
Track TagsYesYesYes
Hardware Insert for PluginsYesYesYes
Pitch FadesYesYesYes
Clip Layer EffectsYesYesYes
Integrated Setup AssistantYesYesYes
Multi-Browser SyncYesYesYes
Slimline Transport BarYesYesYes
Animated PanelsYesYesYes
Visual Plugin SelectorYesYesYes
Grouped ClipsYesYesYes
Linked ClipsYesYesYes
Automation PatternsYesYesYes
LFO GeneratorsYesYesYes
Edit PreviewsYesYesYes
Quick ZoomYesYesYes
Collective Sampler/SynthesizerYesYes
Master Mix DSPYesYes
Modular Mix EnvironmentYesYes
MIDI Pattern generatorsYesYes
Realtime MIDI chord playerYesYes
Detail MIDI EditorYesYes
Crashed plugin assistantYesYes
Variable color schemesYesYes
Support for Raspberry PiYesYes
Multi-Sampler InstrumentYes
Plugin MacrosYes
Plugin FaceplatesYes
Rack ‘Stack’ EditorYes
6 New ModifiersYes
Chord TrackYes
Track LoopsYes
Track PresetsYes
Quick RenderYes
Customizable Actions PanelYes
Edit GroupsYes
Groove DoctorYes
Detail Track Edit WindowsYes
Range Selection EditorYes
Vertical Cursor EditorYes
Subtractive SynthesizerYes
Artisan Plugin CollectionYes
Constant Save TechnologyYes
Advanced Multi SamplerYes
Celemony Melodyne EssentialYes
Antares Auto-Tune AccessYes
Free online supportYes
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