Ozone Imager Updated and Remains a Free Version

Ozone Imager 2 has been fully rebuilt, featuring even smoother-sounding imaging. Updated in 2019 with immersive, fluid visuals, full resizability, and a smooth new Stereoize mode, this free plug-in offers a wider world of possibilities for imaging in your mix.

iZotope offers a new free version of Ozone Imager. Updated with technology from its premier mastering software Ozone 9, Ozone Imager adds a new “Stereoize II” mode, which gives users more options for creating natural stereo effects. Rebuilt with immersive, fluid visuals, full resizability and new processing, the new version of Ozone imager allows users even more flexibility to easily shape tracks in stereo to add natural width to vocals and synths or create narrow sources to focus bass and drums.

Ozone Imager 2
iZotope Releases New Free Version of Ozone Imager 5

Ozone Imager Features

  • Control the width of any track, perfect for making super-wide sounds, or creating narrow mono-like sources. Make pianos, synths, and cymbals fill up the stereo image or tighten up the low end by narrowing bass and kick drums.
  • *New* The new version of Ozone Imager adds another way to turn mono tracks into Stereo. Use the new “Stereoize II” mode for more transparent, surgical widening without phase issues or artifacts, perfect for percussive sounds. Or use the classic “Stereoize I” mode for a creative, colorful stereo effect on synths, vocals, guitars, and more.
  • *New* Avoid unbalanced or washy results with multiple metering options that can identify if the mix is too wide, too narrow, or out of phase, now updated with smoother visualizations and full resizability.

To install Ozone Imager 2, please follow these three simple steps:

  • Choose which version of the product installer to download, PC or Mac.
  • After you download, run the product installer.
  • After you run the installer, load Ozone Imager in your host software. You will be prompted to authorize your serial number.
Ozone Imager authorize
iZotope Releases New Free Version of Ozone Imager 6


You can download Ozone Imager Version 2 for free here.

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