Fuse Audio Labs released VPRE-562A VINTAGE TUBE AMPLIFIER. Based on the 562A which is a rare all-tube amp built around the early 1960s. Originally designed as a PA amplifier but often re-purposed as a bass or guitar head by UK bands from that era, the 562A delivers its signature tone through a Mullard EF86 gain stage, ECC82 phase splitter and two 6L6 push-pull pentodes as well as custom input and output transformers.
The plugin kicks serious life into your tracks, adding beautiful vintage vibes from the sixties or even some pleasing old school grit if needed. It rocks as a spice booster for guitar and bass, no matter if used stand-alone or in combination with full-blown amp simulation. Precisely because of its vintage roots it’s amazing how beautifully the 562A can beef up modern instruments, too.