Strymon Sunset – Review & Sound Demo

Beginning with a quick overview and discussion about the unit, followed by a quick tour of the main features and a minimal to no talking sound demo of the presets to finish and let you come to your own conclusions.



Ge – A circuit combining the softer response of Germanium diodes with a parallel path that blends in the dry signal as the Drive is lowered.

texas – A single stage soft clipper configuration that is filtered before and after the gain stage.

treble – A clean boost that removes the low frequencies as the Tone knob is turned up.

B BANK 2stage

The 2stage overdrive combines a soft clipping stage followed by a hard-clipping stage.

hard – A single-stage hard clipping circuit that has a ton of gain.

JFET – A clean boost that subtly beefs up your signal with the dynamics and response of a JFET front end.

The Sunset Strymon is a premium, top-class Dual Overdrive pedal with a ton of options and a fun and easy-to-use interface/layout.

If you’re a producer or recording artist, this pedal will save you a bunch of time messing around in the box with digital distortions and help you get your overdrive tones sounding natural and right at the source.

If you’re a guitarist then this will also open you up to a world of overdrive tone options that you may not have tried before.


As mentioned in the video today, this dual overdrive has some SERIOUS tone options for someone looking to get into the world of overdrive.

Whether it’s for a more classic 70’s guitar overdrive type tone or a bunch of multi-staged overdrive and distortion units to dirty up your synth lines.

With the ability to use the A and B channels’ sets of 3 algorithms in parallel or feeding into each other, it’s a fantastically versatile distortion unit to keep you tweaking, finding new and unique sounds and generally experimenting for years to come!


Even with so many options it’s laid out very intuitively allowing you to dive in and get tweaking from the day of unboxing. With a more clean and subtle set of distortions on the A bank side and more hard clipping and aggressive on the B bank side, you can have fun experimenting with these and the routing options to create unique tones in no time.

In addition, despite taking up a little more space on your pedalboard or pedal rack it’s surprisingly very light in weight.


While I’m a big fan of the A bank on this unit and the subtle tones that it can bring that would be VERY difficult to achieve in the box or with digital equipment, the B side is a little lacking for me in terms of any super heavy or industrial kind of distortion tones.

It would be nice to have a ‘Heavier’ version of this unit as the with some much more distorted tones to play with! (Of course you can use the Sunset in conjunction with a Fuzz or Metal Distortion pedal to achieve this but it would be nice to have an ‘All-In-One’ product/pedal.)

In Conclusion

While a little pricey in comparison to other pedals, it offers so much in terms of variety and control of your overdrive sound quickly, with ease, and most of all, with a great tone and sound!

While we’ve been focusing on the tone aspect of the pedal, there are a bunch more features such as MIDI connectivity, Expression Pedal functions, Favourite Patch Functionality and a bunch more hidden under the hood. So let us know if you’d like to see more in another follow-up video!

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