Avatar Movie

Avatar is nominated for 4 Golden Globe (…so far). Avatar passed the  1 billion mark in worldwide gross in only 17 day. The Budget for Avatar was $280,000,000 (estimated). Quite a nice payback.

James Cameron’s Vision Featurette:

Samson Featurette: How it was developed and designed:

Avatar Movie

Concept Artist, Neville Page, discusses the design of the Banshee, one of Pandora’s fearsome creatures.

Ty Ruben Ellingson discusses his design concept for the AMP suit used in James Cameron’s epic new film, Avatar

A look at the world of Pandora, as portrayed in James Cameron’s epic new motion picture, Avatar:

Avatar Movie

Jon Landau, Producer of “Avatar” talks a bit about how Adobe software was used throughout the production of Avatar. Jon talks about PhotoShop, InDesign, Lightroom, After Effects (which was used on the set), Premiere Pro.

The Avatar Trailer if you did not see the movie yet:

Official Avatar Movie

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