THINGS Synthesizer Released

Soon after the launch of Brushify Sampleson has now released THINGS. The intuitive software synthesizer allows you to create hi-quality synth sounds even if you have zero experience in synthesis. Sampleson implemented what they called “Descriptors” which are objects and ideas that will help you understand the effect of a knob and the kind of sound it will produce.

things logo

THING is a 32 oscillators and 30 FX processors and filters Synthesizer. Sounds were designed using mixed techniques and processes. (additive, subtractive and FM synthesis)

THINGS Features

  • 4 to 32 steps selector
  • Octave range switch
  • Note Shift automation
  • Note Velocity automation
  • Note Length automation
  • Arpeggio direction (4 modes)
  • Shuffle amount knob
  • Ignore key-down option
  • Sync to host and manual tempo

Availability and Pricing

THINGS is available now at an introduction price.

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