Bible of Salsa – True Polyphonic Legato – Vol III

The third volume completes the circle of the Bible of Salsa. In contrast with Volumes One and Two, The Bible of Salsa Volume Three is all about writing music.

Bible of Salsa True Polyphonic Legato Vol IIBible of Salsa True Polyphonic Legato Vol III
Bible of Salsa - True Polyphonic Legato - Vol III by 8Dio Available Now 4

Bible of Salsa – Vol I – III

While One and Two will allow you to create real salsa tunes in a matter of minutes, Three will allow you to have the freedom to write what you want music to communicate – Legatos, Sforzandos, Crescendos, Staccatos, we have everything salsa uses, performed by proper Salsa players, using proper Salsa Mouthpieces, recorded with the equipment that real Salsa studios have, forget about reverb-y classical trumpets with perfect pitch, this is all about performing and sounding alive!

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