The initial solo MaxforLive device from the Ableton Drummer Collection ONE lets you toggle loops on/off in a Drumrack via included Simpler Instrument. If you are using a midi controller like an electronic drum kit this could come handy as you can easily re-pitch midi notes inside a midi track.

Especially using electronic drums this device solves the big issue of “Note Off” messages usually being sent from a few milliseconds to a max of a few seconds after the “Note On” message.

Polyphonic and Monophonic mode
Per default all pads are set to polyphonic mode – this means as many loops as you wish (up to 128) could be played at the same time. But as you want to create some music here you might want to have not all loops playing at the same time. You can archive this by activating the “M” which stands for monophonic mode. Of all pads where the “M” mode is activated only the last one triggered will play and automatically turn off the loop before which was in “M” mode as well.
Individual note pitches
You can change the incoming velocity of every Midi note to a pre-set velocity. This can translate to the playback volume of your sample/loop. When you active the “V” (Velocity) button on a pad this function is activated for this individual pitch. A field for putting in a pre-set velocity value will be now shown, where you can edit the outgoing velocity.
How to Use
Just place the Drumrack Toggle Loop on a MIDI track in front of a Drumrack instrument and all incoming notes not will trigger samples/loops in a toggle mode, meaning every hit, push or Note On will trigger a Note On and Note Off alternately.