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DialogueEnhance for Filmmaker




DialogueEnhance for Filmmaker

Accentize launched DialogueEnhance for Filmmaker. In a nutshell, you can reduce noise, apply EQ, reduce the dynamic range (Compressor) and adjust the final loudness.

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DialogueEnhance is an intelligent automatic speech processing tool. It can be used to easily enhance the quality of your speech recordings without having to adjust many parameters. The signal is processed by four different modules: Noise Reduction, Auto-EQ, Dynamic Reduction, Loudness Boost. A useful tool for Filmmaker and Youtube producer


Intelligent Estimation
The noise content in your recording is estimated in real-time. You can adjust the reduction amount while listening to the result. The algorithm is similar to the one used in VoiceGate.


Automatic Adaptation
The equalizer module will find resonance frequencies and overall spectral imbalances. You can choose how agressivly the signal should be equalized.


Parallel Compression
Using a parallel compression scheme the dynamic of your recording can be optimized. The further you turn up the amount the more the compressor will start to affect the signal.


Automatic Level Adjustment
The Loudness Boost module can automatically lift your signal to the desired output level. It will even balance out level changes over time. Choose between three different loudness standards.

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Availability and Intro Pricing

DialogueEnhance is available for a time-limited introduction price, until 28. April 2020 the price of the tool is 59 Euro, later it will be raised to 89 Euro. The plugin is compatible with: Reaper, ProTools 11 or higher, Nuendo, Cubase, Ableton Live

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Sound Design

Adaptive Speech Equalizer with SpectralBalance




SpectralBalance – Automatic EQ / Adaptive Speech Equalizer

SpectralBalance is an intelligent automatic speech equalizer that helps you to quickly fix spectral imbalances in all sorts of dialogue recordings. While listening to the recording, the plugin automatically estimates the optimal EQ curve to achieve clear neutral-sounding speech. Internally a series of artificial neural networks are being used to intelligently adapt to the unique characteristics of each dialogue takes.

SpectralBalance Features

  • Static Mode
  • Dynamic Mode
  • Automatic Make-Up
  • Spectral Focus
  • In/Out Spectrum Visualization
  • Difference Listening
  • EQ Curve Customization
  • Expert Controls: Speed+Threshold

Time Saving Audio Plugin- Speed up Your Workflow

SpectralBalance can drastically reduce the time spent on repetitively listening to dialogue takes and finding the appropriate EQ settings. The automatic equalization is ready in seconds.

Dynamic Mode- Continuous Automatic Adaptation

Use dynamic mode to apply individually adjusted EQ corrections in every moment of your recording. The internal algorithms listen and adapt the processing over 50 times per second if necessary. The adaption amount and speed can be precisely controlled by custom parameterization.

STATIC MODE – Complete Control and Certainty

Use static mode to be 100% certain about which spectral modifications are applied to your recording. You can either use a snapshot of the dynamic estimation or estimate a new static curve by letting the plugin listen for a few seconds. Furthermore, the Modify functionality lets you precisely customize the estimate if necessary.

Adaptive Speech Equalizer with SpectralBalance 44

Efficient Processing – Highly Optimized Advanced Signal Processing

The core technology of SpectralBalance is a combination of different artificial neural networks which all are highly optimized to keep the required processing power to a minimum. You can easily run multiple instances in parallel on an average workstation.

Specifications and System Requirements

  • Supported sample rates: 44.1kHz,48kHz,88.2khz,96kHz,192kHz
    Supported channel layout: Mono/Stereo
    Plugin formats: AAX, VST3, AU
  • Windows 7 (64-bit), 4 GB RAM, Dual-Core CPU 2GHz
    Max OS X 10.12, 4 GB RAM, Dual-Core CPU 2GHz

Pricing and Availability

SpectralBalance is available now with a time limited discount price.

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Adaptive Speech Equalizer with SpectralBalance 45
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Accentize Releases PreFET – Free Plugin Release




PreFET by Accentize

PreFET is a Machine-Learning based transistor pre-amp emulation that was created using the same concept as PreTube. The included artificial neural network has learned to precisely imitate the transistor pre-amp stage of a 70s tabletop cassette recorder. Depending on the Drive-Setting PreFET can color your sounds from subtle analog saturation to heavy overdrive.

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Accentize Releases PreFET - Free Plugin Release 53

Pricing and Availability

PreFET is a Free Plugin Release by Accentize

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Sound Design

DeRoom a Real-Time Reverb Reduction Effect Plugin



DeRoom a Real Time Reverb Reduction Effect Plugin

DeRoom a Real-Time Reverb Reduction Effect Plugin

Accentize released a reverb reduction effect. DeRoom is an audio plugin to reduce reverb and echo from audio recordings. A neural network is being used to intelligently eliminate all undesired sound components.

DeRoom is a Machine-Learning based audio plug-in to reduce reverb and room resonances from audio recordings in real-time. An artificial neural network has been trained in many different room scenarios in order to be able to separate direct sound from reflection components.

DeRoom is available for an intro price of 49€ inkl. 19% VAT (VAT Varies by country) until March 27th, 2020.

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