Arturia is getting ready to launch their newest drum machine, it is an analog hardware drum machine. Right now DrumBrute Impact machines have been shared to support reviews and early looks.
- KICK: pounding bass drum with nice attack transients and variable pitch and decay. protocol.
- SNARE 1: a big-bodied snare with great, editable snap and decay.
- SNARE 2: a trashy snare with a hint of a clap, with adjustable tone and decay.
- TOM HIGH: simple but powerful high tom with a sweepable pitch.
- TOM LOW: pants-shaking low tom that can get so low you could use it as a 2nd kick.
- CYMBAL: zingy, metallic crash with adjustable decay.
- COWBELL: a simple but effective percussive cowbell.
- CLOSED HAT: hard-hitting hat with a variable tone that also effects the Open Hat.
- OPEN HAT: open up the hat sound with changeable decay with a mute controlled by the Closed Hat.
- FM DRUM: a percussive synth voice with adjustable carrier pitch, decay, FM amount, and mod pitch.
Using the same sequencing know-how that brought the world the award-winning Spark series, DrumBrute, and BeatStep Pro, Arturia have infused some serious step-sequencing power into their latest Brute. DrumBrute Impact features a polyrhythmic 64-step, song-capable sequencer supported by a host of easy-to-use performance controls.
Add Swing, inject some Randomness, glitch it up with a Step Repeater, quickly spice up patterns with the Roller, add Accents, and even record Unquantized should you wish.
DrumBrute Impact also gives you comprehensive connectivity, with 4 extra output busses for postprocessing or multi-tracking, Clock in and out to sync with vintage or modular gear, MIDI in and out to sync up with contemporary synths and outboard, and USB for perfect integration with your DAW and the Arturia MCC, which also gives you access to extra customizations behind the scenes.
DrumBrute Impact will retail for $349 / 299 €. It is available to pre-order now and will arrive in music stores worldwide during August 2018.