Bela D Media Releases NATIVE VOICE SORA

Broken into a four-part series, Bela D Media has reinvented a classic vocal library and released NATIVE VOICE SORA. Originally recorded in 2009 by producer Rishabh Rajan Native Voice – with advanced scripting control and remastered audio – is ready for prime time once again.

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Bela D Media Releases NATIVE VOICE SORA 5

NATIVE VOICE SORA. featuring a female vocalist of Japanese descent, SORA is the first of four and certain to unleash your creative genius. Though the vocal phrases in use do not include actual words of meaning, the soloist sings with an indigenous tongue and the user is creating the illusion of language. Lebanese, Pakistani and Norwegian vocalist will be available in future installments of Native Voice.

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Bela D Media Releases NATIVE VOICE SORA 6

Vocal Tools Phrase Control is a sophisticated power tool designed to ease the burden of the working composer. Most aspects are done behind the scenes or on the fly. Once again, Bela D Media offers a new and exciting level when working with the sampled voice. With this insightful and user-friendly script, the user has control without guesswork. As all Bela D Media products NATIVE VOICE SORA requires the full version of Native Instruments Kontakt. 

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