3D Surround: Seasons of Earth – Winter

Calm breezes, chilling tonal wind, the faint sound of trickling snowflakes, freezing rivers recorded at various distances, biting winter storms and subtle animal activity. Seasons of Earth – Winter lends itself beautifully to any envisioned scene, offering you more than 50GB of finest sound material In 3D Surround and 16 GB in the Stereo version.

Our planet has a fascinating sonic spectrum, and every season, nature offers us an impressive and multi-faceted sound composition. We have recorded the most interesting and iconic ambiences the only way that truly reflects the sonic character of Earth as precisely as possible: Using the unparalleled Schoeps ORTF3D Surround Set. Harness these first-rate sounds to shape your projects in the most authentic way possible, from the ground up in 3D Surround or Stereo.

Pricing and Availability

20% RELEASE DISCOUNT UNTIL OCTOBER 1st! Order Seasons Of Earth – Winter 3D Surround today, get more than 52 GB of professional 3D sound FX and save 20% – The offer is valid until October 1st 2020.

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