Rivers, Streams & Waterfall Sounds Langevin, La Réunion!

This nature sound library includes 16 recordings and approximately 35 minutes of river flowing sounds recorded in Langevin, La Reunion.

Its an incredibly beautiful area and I started recording at the Grand Galet waterfall. Later I made my way slowly down to the end of the river. I stopped at 16 different locations to get different variations of the sounds.

If you are looking for new river sounds, I think this one is for you.

Files: 16 files • Including metadata
Size: 1.1 GB
Sample Rate: 96-24 WAV
Duration: Approx. 35 min
Gear: Zoom H6
Delivery: Instant – blazingly-fast – digital download on Bandcamp
License type: Royalty-free & no credit required

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