Obelisk 1.1.5 – Updated MIDI Harmoniser Plugin

A new version of Obelisk was released. This minor update fixes a few bugs – making Obelisk nicer to use.

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Obelisk is a MIDI plugin instrument. Rather than produce audio, it produces MIDI. Obelisk is used to harmonize the MIDI given to it.

As well as this, Obelisk contains an algorithm for constraining the output to a given key and scale. This plugin is designed to be easy to use and can be dynamically changed as you perform, for example switching the chord or scale using key switches.

Obelisk 1.1.5 Updated MIDI Harmoniser Plugin menu
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Obelisk 1.1.5 Features

  • Obelisk now lets you use your keyboard to control your DAW, even when the Obelisk window is open. Previously Obelisk would sometimes stop the keys from getting through. This was especially irritating when trying to press the spacebar to play your track.
  • Logic X: Fixed an issue where preferences where not being saved between sessions. Preferences such as the GUI window size or GUI theme.
  • Fixed crash when trying to use Obelisk with an empty scale that had no notes in it.
  • Minor changes to the GUI. Namely, the ‘factory presets’ menu was misleading as the 2 options there were really just ways to reset the state.
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Pricing and Availability

To get this new version. Please log-in to your FrozenPlain account and get the installer from the downloads section. Running the installer will safely overwrite the old version. Opening old DAW projects that contain Obelisk will not be affected.

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