SD047 GLASS Unusual FX by HISSandaROAR
HISSandaROAR released SD047 GLASS Unusual FX a new Sound FX Library without Tim Prebble incurring any nasty damage from spending over a month playing with glass!

SD047 GLASS Unusual FX Includes
- GLASS Pane Squeaks via wet finger, hand, sponge, foam << WILD sounds!!
- GLASS Pane Groans via friction mallet
- GLASS Auto Windscreen Squeaks via wet finger, squeegee, hand, sponge, foam
- GLASS Auto Windscreen Groans via friction mallet
- GLASS Vessel Friction clicks squeaks via thumb
- GLASS Chimes using shards & wine glasses
- GLASS Vessels Bowed x24
- GLASS Vessels Tones via ‘singing wineglass’ finger friction
- GLASS Vessels Shake LFE Subrattlers x Earthquake!!

Tim Prebble’s (the genius behind HISSandaROAR) initial plans for a small concise library rapidly grew out of control as they began exploring the medium until over 15 hours of recordings are capture. And just as Tim believed he was nearing completion.
Tim politely asked on social media if there were any other glass sounds that people have trouble finding. The response provided so many excellent ideas that Tim ended up having to split the library in two.

As the title infers, SD047 GLASS Unusual FX collates the stranger sounds while all the more practical glass sounds are collected in the imminent SD048 GLASS Practical FX, due for release next week – more details below.

Captured stereo 24bit 192kHz via MKH8040 ORTF, this new library contains some extraordinary sounds and is a deep resource that will continue to reward creative use for many years to come.

Pricing and Availability
SD047 GLASS Unusual FX is available now. (Use Coupon ‘VASE’ for 33% Discount (Expires March 7th, 2021)) The second part SD048 GLASS Practical FX – releases March 4th, 2021.