Looking for an interesting way to process your audio signals? Look no further than the Bandswitch MaxforLive device by Amazing Noises.
This unique effect splits the incoming signal into three bands and processes them independently, allowing you to create all sorts of unique sounds and textures. Whether you’re looking to add some extra color to your tracks or want to mangle your vocals beyond recognition, Bandswitch is a great tool for the job.
MaxforLive plug-in Bandswitch is an audio effect that splits the incoming signal into three bands and processes them independently
Modulate the Amplitude (Tremolo) or Panning Position
When it comes to audio production, there are a variety of ways to shape the sound of your tracks. One common method is to use EQ to adjust the frequency balance of a sound.
However, EQ can also be used to create effects such as changing the apparent position of a sound in the stereo field, or making a sound appear to move back and forth between left and right. This technique is known as modulation, and it can be used to add interest and depth to a track.
By modulating the amplitude or panning position of each band, you can create unique rhythmic patterns that can add movement and energy to your music. In addition, the modulation’s form can also be altered, giving you even more control over the sound of your tracks.
You may change the amplitude (tremolo) and panning position of each band. The modulation’s form can also be altered and the gain and an overdrive process. Furthermore, you have the option of adding vibrato to each band.
LFO Modulation
The modulation rate determines how fast the effect cycles through the different frequencies. It can be set by an LFO, and two dedicated LFOs can modulate the cross frequencies between bands. This allows for a wide range of sound possibilities, from subtle warbling to extreme pitch shifting.
The modulation depth controls how much the effect alters the sound, and this determines how much of the affected signal is mixed with the dry signal. By experimenting with these controls, you can create a wide variety of unique sounds. The modulation rate may be set by an LFO, and two dedicated LFOs can modulate the cross frequencies between bands.
Feedback Processing
The sound that a person makes when they speak or sing is generated by the vibration of their vocal cords. These vibrations are then amplified by the person’s mouth, nose, and throat before they reach the air. Once the sound waves reach the air, they are able to travel to the ears of other people.
However, the sound waves can also be affected by various objects and materials along the way. For example, a person standing in front of a brick wall will produce a different sound than if they were standing in front of a wooden fence. This is because the brick wall will reflect some of the sound waves while the wooden fence will absorb them. By routing each band of sound to its own delay line, it is possible to create a more realistic simulation of the way sound travels.
Each band is then routed to its own delay line with feedback for further processing after the Modulation/Distortion/Pitchshifing stage. The delay period can also be changed dynamically. You may change the amplitude (tremolo) and panning position of each band.
Amazing Noises’ Bandswitch – Conclusion
Bandswitch is a MaxforLive device created by Amazing Noises that splits the incoming signal into three bands and processes them independently. This unique effect can be used to add color to your tracks, create unique rhythmic patterns, or change the apparent position of a sound in the stereo field.
The modulation rate and depth can be controlled by LFOs, and the sound can be further processed with feedback. By experimenting with these controls, you can create a wide variety of unique sounds that will add interest and depth to your music.